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“Mother gave me tranquilizers?”

He sighed. “Yes, she wanted to calm you down. You were a rambunctious kid and she was older. When I found out, I stopped it immediately, and she went to the psychiatric hospital for a month. There is so much we need to talk about. When you get here, we’re going to have a very frank discussion about your life and where you came from.”

That sounded ominous. Was he going to tell him about his birth father and mother?

“What else haven’t you told me?”

“We’ll talk when you get here. I never thought our fighting would hurt you so badly. Most people talk and work out their problems. Your mother thought screaming was the answer to everything. Maybe she learned it from her parents. I don’t know. But just remember this. Love can solve most problems. Now you go find Hannah and work this out between you. If you love her then you need to tell her or you’re going to lose her.”

Seeing clearly for the first time, he planned his next actions. “You’re right, Dad. Thanks! We’ll see you soon. Love you.”

“We’re looking forward to you being here. Be careful. I love you and I hope you work things out with Hannah.”

“Me too,” he said as he disconnected the line.

He’d bet anything she was at the airport. Now he needed to get there and somehow convince her he’d made a stupid mistake. But that stupid mistake had taught him so much and he’d learned more about his parent’s disastrous marriage. And his father said he had other things he needed to tell him. What could that be about?

Grabbing his suitcase, he hurried out the door.

And after he spoke to Hannah, it would be time to get on the road to Whitefish. Hopefully, she’d be by his side. Because he really loved her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, even though he was terrified.


They were due to start boarding in thirty minutes and she was ready. She could see the plows clearing the runways and the sunshine sparkled on the white powder that was piled high.

In Oklahoma, it often snowed, but nothing like this. There must be at least four and a half feet on the ground. She wondered about the highway and she prayed that Noah would reach Whitefish safely.

Though she was hurt that he’d made the choice he had, she still loved him and never wanted harm to come to him. He would always have a very special place in her heart, but it was time to move on.

With a sigh, she picked up her book again and tried to keep her mind occupied.

There was a commotion in security and she could hear loud voices, but she couldn’t see anything.

Probably some idiot who didn’t know you don’t argue with TSA. They win every time. Blocking out the noise, she crawled back into her story.

“Hannah,” Noah said, his breathing heavy.

She glanced up to see him standing in front of her.

“What are you doing here? I told you I was going home,” she said.

“I’m an idiot,” he said. “A very smart, intelligent doctor who doesn’t know how to have a relationship with a woman. Especially another doctor who he loves so damn much.”

She stared at him. Was he admitting he’d been wrong? He’d just said that he loved her. Could there be hope?

“When I woke up this morning and realized you were gone, I was lost. All night, I tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep until about five this morning. Then I must have fallen into a coma because I never heard you leave.”

If he thought that was going to convince her to stay, he had to think again. There was only one thing that could stop her from getting on that plane. And it better come with a proposal.

“My mother was a schizophrenic who often had bouts of losing her mind. This morning, I called my father and we talked. It wasn’t all him. It was my mother who caused them to argue and he was a saint for staying married to her as long as he did. Two normal doctors who love each other would not argue like they did. We’ve never fought. We’ve had disagreements, but you don’t scream obscenities at me or throw your drink at me. And I don’t think you ever would.”

Maybe he should reconsider because last night she was ready to yell at him but realized that would get her nowhere. Often the way to be heard the loudest was to speak softly.

“For years, I’ve been so damn attracted to you. I’ve loved you but didn’t want to take that next step. My father accused me of wanting my cake and eating it too. And he’s right. As long as things went along smoothly between us, I didn’t have a reason to make any changes to our friendship. And yet you showed me these last few days how it could be between us. I don’t want that to end,” he said.

In disbelief, she watched him get down on one knee and open a jewelry box. Speechless, she stared at the ring. A very large emerald-cut diamond shimmered in the light. “This morning, I ran to the jewelry shop as they opened for the first time in days. Then I came here and almost got arrested by security. They don’t like to let you through when you don’t have a ticket.

“I have five minutes left before that big man glaring at me comes to haul me out of here. So please, forgive me, Hannah. Be patient with me while I learn how to navigate this new direction in our relationship, but most of all love me. Love me and marry me and spend the rest of our days together. I don’t want to lose my best friend. I want my lover by my side the rest of the days of my life.”
