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Oh my God, he was asking her to marry him. Warmth spread through her and she laughed as she realized the significance of this moment.

Dr. Noah Baker was down on one knee asking her to be his wife, to spend forever with him. This moment was what she’d dreamed of for years, and finally it was coming true.

He gazed at her with fear in those deep sapphire eyes of his, and she knew their children would be beautiful.

Launching herself out of the chair, she threw herself at him and they both landed on the floor.

“Yes,” she cried. “Yes, yes, yes, I’ll marry you. I love you so damn much and never thought you would realize it was me you wanted all along.”

“I love you,” he said, staring into her eyes, tears shimmering in his own. “Sometimes it takes me awhile and you have to knock me over the head.”

Her lips found his, and while they were lying on the floor, he kissed her with enough passion that they were making a spectacle of themselves, but she didn’t care.

Finally, they broke apart and she grinned at him.

“Does this mean you’ll go to Whitefish with me?” he asked.

“Of course,” she said. “I need to meet my new mother-in-law.”

A big smile spread across his face and he leaned down and kissed her again.

A man cleared his throat loudly. “You’ve run out of time.”

They broke apart and she glanced up at the big TSA agent standing over them.

Just then they called her flight number to board. There was no way to get her luggage back. She had packed a smaller bag for the plane, but it held very few clothes.

“I guess my luggage is going back to Houston,” she said.

Standing, he grabbed her hand, took the ring out of the box, and put it on her left hand.

“We’re officially engaged,” he said smiling. “No need for us to pretend. This is the real deal forever and ever.”

The ring was gorgeous and she gazed down at it in amazement.

“And you’re about to be officially arrested,” the TSA agent told them.

She grinned at the man. “How often does everyone in the gate area get to see a man propose?”

Shaking his head at the two of them, he pointed to the exit sign. “Out.”

Noah took her by the hand and they hurried toward the exit.

Turning back to the TSA agent, she waved and then she gazed at the man she loved with all her heart. What a story to tell their children. How their father almost got arrested while asking her to marry him.


Four hours later, they pulled into Whitefish. The roads had been treacherous most of the way and several times they had come to a complete stop while someone had to be pulled out of the ditch they’d slid into.

The Jeep had handled the roads like it was meant to, and now on the edge of town, Noah was nervous.

Hannah reached over and squeezed his leg. All the way here, they had talked about his parents and he’d told her everything. So much he realized he’d been ashamed of, but now he thought she needed to know everything.

Including how his mother had committed suicide, which had devastated him and his father. She’d walked out on them, but they had never expected her to take her life. After the divorce, she’d realized her mental illness had gotten worse and she’d ended her life.

He’d been in medical school when that happened and it had been tough. No matter what, he loved his adoptive mother and accepted that she had health issues.

This Christmas was going to be filled with big events. His engagement to Hannah, meeting his stepmother, and whatever other news his father had to tell him. He couldn’t help but wonder if his father would finally tell him the truth about his birth mother and father.
