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“Because I asked you to. Trust me.”

When he had closed his eyes, she picked up a chocolate strawberry and ran it over his lips.

“Hmm, that tastes good,” he said as he took a bite of the succulent fruit.

Then she layered her lips over his and licked the juice running down his chin.

“Hannah,” he gasped opening his eyes and releasing her mouth. “We’re friends.”

Naked, she slid over his wet flesh and she felt what she’d hoped she would feel. A very hard cock.

“It’s time we were more than friends,” she said. “It’s time for us to move to the next level. It’s time for you to realize I want more.”

With a groan, his arms came up around her and he pulled her wet body against his.

This was what she’d hoped would happen. She’d known that somewhere deep in his psyche he was attracted to her and yet he’d refused to acknowledge those feelings.

A little alcohol, a soak in the heart tub, and he was ready to take things to the next level. And if things went as she planned, she’d be running to catch up with him.


For years, he’d avoided his feelings for Hannah because he’d watched his parents, two very successful doctors, compete against each other, scream, argue, and disagree over their patients.

In practice together, they had made his life miserable with their quarrels until finally, his mother had dissolved the practice and gone out on her own. She’d walked away from him and his father, and to this day, he still felt angry at what she’d done.

It was one thing to end their practice, but quite another to leave her child and husband. Thank goodness he’d been in high school and old enough to know that he was going to college and eventually to medical school.

And he’d made the decision right then that he would never get involved with another doctor and yet Hannah was his best friend. She was the only woman he’d been attracted to and he compared every woman he dated to her, which wasn’t fair.

Did he dare take the risk? What if he lost his best friend?

His arms pulled her in tightly against him and his lips consumed hers and he knew there was no walking away because his body was responding to hers and this was what he’d feared if they kissed or touched one another.

Her naked breasts were crushed into his chest, her mound was snug against his rock-hard cock. And he couldn’t let this end. He had to have her now. No more ignoring the attraction he felt toward her. She could feel his response against her and he knew there was no going back.

Hannah was the smartest, most beautiful woman he’d ever experienced in his life. They had gone through so much together. Medical school, their exams, and even their residency, and she’d been by his side the entire time. If he ran into a problem, she was the doctor he called to discuss a patient. She was the one he’d called when his adoptive mother died. She was the one who had come to his side at two in the morning to comfort him at the loss.

Her hands relaxed on his arms and he grabbed her face, bringing her lips down to his. He had to taste her, he had to have her. He couldn’t wait another minute.

Desperation had him clinging to her. Greedily, his lips covered hers with an insistence that clawed at him. He was filled with an urgency that surged through his blood, thundering in his ears, reverberating through his mind. This woman who tempted him, tantalized him, and soothed him, he no longer wanted to deny his body her touch.

Because of his parents, he’d pushed away his feelings regarding Hannah, but with her wet and naked body sliding against his own, there was no chance of him putting distance between them.

His mouth plundered hers as he melded her sweet body to his. His hands were everywhere as his need exploded through him in a gripping sensation. He needed her in a way he’d never experienced.

Her mouth opened up like a flower, and his tongue caressed the inside of her lip, then swept her mouth, insistent and urgent. She wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him, pressing her sweet body against him, seeking what he was more than happy to supply here in this tub.

No, it wasn’t the best place to have sex, but this was a desire that had to be fulfilled right here and right now. With that single kiss, it was like all the desire he’d kept hidden had exploded inside him and was demanding he take her now.

No more denying that he’d wanted her for years and refusing to take action. His body was no longer willing to ignore that she was who he wanted.

“Oh God,” he cried, knowing he wouldn’t last long like this.

His hand skimmed down the front of her chest, cupping her breast, kneading the soft mound while he ached to wrap his lips around her sweet nipple.

She tasted of erotic dreams and lazy mornings, and everything he tried to withhold from himself. But not today. Not when his need was this crucial. Now when he couldn’t wait. Not when she’d started this with them getting naked in this tub.
