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As his fingers stroked her, Hannah gripped the covers on the bed, clutching them in her fists. Frenzied passion burned within her and she wanted him inside her.

In the light of the television, she stared into his sapphire irises as she cried out, disintegrating beneath his hand, quivering with her release.

She lay spent, her heart racing, her breathing jagged as she clung to Noah, his broad shoulders hovering above her.

He kissed her temple, her eyelids, and her nose. She could feel him rigid and hard against her leg, waiting patiently for her to catch her breath. Waiting until she signaled she was ready to go again.

Ready to take him deep inside her.

“Hannah,” he whispered huskily. “I need you. Love me.”

She whimpered at his words, the thought of his needing her astonishing. Did he mean physically or emotionally? Or both?

And, right now, she would give him whatever he desired.

Reaching down, she located the proof of his desire between his legs. She touched him, wrapped her fingers around his shaft, and lovingly stroked him. She gazed into his passion-filled blue eyes, his face a grimace of pleasure and pain.

“Oh, God, Hannah,” he moaned. “Don’t stop.”

The feel of him, hot and smooth, was intoxicating; she felt his blood pulsating through him. She drew the tip of his shaft between her fingers and skimmed her palm over the top.

A surge of power overcame her. This man craved her as much as she wanted him. And that was good to know. Because they had been friends for so very long and she didn’t want to lose him either as a friend or a lover.

He grabbed her hand, his breathing jagged. She glanced into his eyes, staring at the passion shimmering within his gaze.

With her free hand, she cupped his chin and pulled his mouth down to hers.

How she wanted him, now inside her. And the pure joy she felt at that thought thrilled her.

Right now, he was hers and she loved the passion they were creating.

“This time we’re using a condom,” he gasped as he sat on the side of the bed.

“In the drawer,” she said, knowing he would realize that she’d planned this.

A frown marred his forehead, but he yanked open the drawer and quickly pulled one out of the box. Ripping the package open, he sheathed himself.

“Fuck me,” she said with a gasp.

His lips caressed hers, teasing and sweeping her mouth with an urgency that gripped her, holding her captive with his kiss. Her moans of pleasure were muffled as he took her hand and guided him into her center. She shifted to accommodate him, lifting her hips to meet his. She arched her back, her hips rotating slightly to give him deeper access to her center.

He plunged into her, and she welcomed him knowing she’d never grow tired of feeling him deep within her. He filled her with a sweetness she’d never experienced as he thrust into her over and over until she thought she would go mad with ecstasy.

With every driving stroke, she matched him, she met him, she felt her heart call to him. Passion burst forth like a shower of sparks, scorching her with its intensity as he rhythmically pushed her toward the flame.

“Noah,” she called so ready to reach that peak.

She was burning and glanced up into his gaze for one final soul-scorching look and felt as if she’d been pushed over the edge into the fire.

Hannah was falling, tumbling end over end, until she landed fractured and shattered in Noah’s arms. Safe and protected and filled with so much love for this man.

With a shuddered cry, he reached his own release, and together they lay helpless, sweating, and completely undone by what had just transpired.

“I think we need to eat,” she said with a gasp. “I’m still starving.”

He chuckled and rolled toward her. “That didn’t satisfy you?”

“Yes,” she said. “But before I can do that again, I’m going to need food to build up my strength.”
