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She gazed around the log home. “I know I’ll be back, but this time has been wonderful. I arrived a scared, wounded woman who thought she’d lost everything, and I found what I’ve been searching for. Love with a wonderful man.”

Raising, she kissed him. “Thank you.”

That made him feel better and he knew he couldn’t keep her here forever.

“Thank you,” he said. “I’m a little nervous about meeting your family.”

“My mother will adore you. My father and you will have so much in common, especially if you like football. They have a small ranchette where he has a garden and raises chickens.”

That sounded good. And he really did want to meet her family. Just the first time made him nervous. And he wanted to ask her father for her hand in marriage. He was determined that he was going to do this right.

It was Christmas. The time of year he missed his family the most. The time of year he felt the loneliest.

“What’s wrong?” she said gazing at him.

Glancing around at all the Christmas decorations, he thought of his mother.

“I was wishing that you could have met my family. My mother would have loved you. I thought you two would have gotten along so well together. My sister would have adored you and my father would have told me that I had done well.”

She melted into his arms, and together, they stared at the ribbons and garland that filled the house and the tree standing in the corner, dark for now.

“They’re here,” she said softly. “I can feel their presence, and yes, I think they would have liked the two of us together. You know, I think our first child should be named after one of your parents.”

Turning, he smiled at her, his heart swelling with love for this woman. “That would make me so happy. And I’m going to make a video of their photos and our Christmas movies. You know the ones where your family makes all these crazy Christmas videos with the old cameras and then the movies disappear never to be seen again. I would like our children to know them at least through those films.”

She laughed. “Oh, they’re going to groan and say, ‘hide, here comes Daddy wanting us to watch old family videos.’”

The memories overwhelmed him, and it was going to be strange not to be here at Christmas, but he knew his family would agree with his decision to take her to her home. It was the right thing to do.

“Probably,” he said. “But I’d like to make that our Christmas Eve tradition. We watch one of those old movies so they know their grandparents, aunt, and even what I looked like when I was a kid. It could be that one of them will look like my family.”

Tears welled in her eyes. “You’re really serious about us. I know you’ve asked me to marry you, but when I hear you say things like that I know for certain it’s real.”

This was part of her distrust and he just had to give her time.

“Yes,” he said. “I’m very serious about marrying you. About us raising a family together. I can’t wait.”

She sighed. “Be patient with me. I know I love you. I just keep thinking I’m going to wake up and this will all have been a dream.”

He grinned, his heart filling with warmth. “No dream, sweetheart. You and me forever. And I’m going to speak to your father sometime this weekend. There will be wedding bells very soon in our future.”

They hadn’t talked about what was going to happen after Christmas, but he would love it if she came back here and moved in with him. After all, she’d lost her job. It was the perfect time, and he was certain she could get on with the school district here, or if she didn’t want to work, he’d take care of her.

Soon, they would work out the details, but he couldn’t wait to carry her over the threshold.

“Oh, Daddy is going to be so shocked,” she said smiling.

“Come on, we better get going if we’re going to make it there before dark. Have you spoken to your mother?”

“No, I’m still having trouble getting out. I thought I would wait and speak to her when we got closer.”

“Let’s go,” he said and gazed around the room one last time.

“Merry Christmas, Mother, Father, and Grace. I hope you’re celebrating in Heaven,” he said as he turned off the lights.

Though he knew he’d be back, it felt strange not to see the Christmas lights on in the house. A tiny light sparkled in the darkness and he realized it was his mother’s favorite ornament. It spun and twinkled and tears filled his eyes.

“Thanks, Mom,” he said, knowing she was trying to tell him she approved.
