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Olivia sat in the truck that Lucas had pulled beneath an awning in front of the house.

“Let me help you out,” he said as he crawled from the truck. When he reached her side, he opened the door and assisted her down.

“I’m really all right,” she said just as her knees buckled beneath her.

While she felt fine, the emotional trauma from the day was starting to get to her. It was like everything that could go wrong had, and now she reeled from the emotional day.

“Sure you are,” he said. “No ambulance can make it out here tonight, so don’t grow weak on me now.”

A sigh escaped her. “This really has been a colossal bad day.”

He didn’t say anything as he walked beside her holding onto her elbow in a gentle manner. Through his gloved fingers, strength resonated from his fingertips. Warmth filled her and she was stunned at the way the big cowboy seemed to hover over her to protect her, holding her to keep her from falling.

Christmas decorations lined the sidewalk leading up to the big wooden front door with a big wreath. She groaned at the sight, knowing it was doubtful that she’d make it home to Whitefish, to her family, and the big announcement that her mother had insisted they come home for.

When Lucas opened the front door, she glanced into the house and saw all the Christmas decorations filling the log cabin. They were gorgeous, but it was just another reminder of what she’d gone through today.

A groan escaped from between her lips. Not even her mother put up this much at Christmas. Yet it was beautiful, even if she didn’t want to celebrate. She had no reason to be happy, jolly, and filled with good cheer.

Lucas shot her a look. “Are you all right?”

“Yes,” she said, wondering if he was going to treat her like fine china the rest of the night. But after today, would that be a bad thing?

Standing in the hallway, she gazed into the big room with a tall Christmas tree sparkling with white lights and glass bulbs hanging on the limbs and tinsel. Decorations were scattered about the room.

It looked like someone had puked Christmas all around the room, and while normally she’d be thrilled, after today, it was just a reminder of everything she’d thought she’d receive for Christmas and wasn’t.

“Oh, you’re a grinch,” he said.

Hardly. She was the teacher who had gone out of her way to make certain her students had a little something for Christmas. No, she didn’t use to be a grinch or Scrooge or even a grumpy Christmas person, but sometimes life interfered, and this year, she was spinning from the interference.

Turning, she faced him. “No, I’m not a grinch. I’m a realist, and right now, my Christmas spirit is badly bruised.”

“We’ll have to change that,” he said smiling at her.

Good luck with that.

She didn’t want anyone to make her feel better. She felt like she had the right to hate Christmas and everything else in her life at the moment.

“Let me show you to your room,” he said.

“Where are you sleeping?” she asked, nerves filling her.

“I’m on the other side of the house. The guest quarters are on this side,” he said. “But if you need me, I’m not far.”

Oh no, she didn’t need a man, though Lucas was very handsome in the light. His big brown eyes and long dark lashes were an enticement, but not one she was going to be tempted to try.

At the moment, she almost hated the opposite sex. But it wasn’t Lucas’s fault that someone had kicked her to the curb in spectacular fashion with a woman in his bed.

“Currently, we have electricity, but this storm could take it down anytime. I’d suggest if you’re going to take a shower, you grab one now before we lose hot water,” he said.

Taking her elbow, he led her up the stairs. She couldn’t help but wonder if it would be wise for her to take a shower since they were alone. Maybe he was a Boy Scout, but her trust in men was shredded. She didn’t trust anyone.

And yet she didn’t get bad vibes from Lucas, but sensed a sweetness about him she wasn’t quite expecting. It was like he wanted to make certain she was all right. That she was comfortable with him.

It wasn’t like she had much of a choice on whether to stay or leave. But right now, she’d just like to be left alone to do her grieving without sharing her feelings with a stranger.
