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It made sense, but frankly, she still just wanted to lie in bed and cry herself to sleep.

Next, he took a first aid kit from a drawer. After wiping her head with a towelette, he put antibiotic cream on the cut and covered it with a bandage.

“There, now you’re all set unless you start to feel bad. Let’s hope you start feeling better,” he said.

Sitting there, she watched him move around the kitchen and wondered why he was alone. He’d said he gave his servants the week off. But where was his family? And why wasn’t he married?

“My housekeeper made me some homemade chicken noodle soup. Are you hungry?”

She’d had nothing since breakfast, so she should probably eat.

“Yes,” she said. “It’s been a long time since this morning.”

“Good,” he said handing her an ice pack. “You sit right there and I’ll warm us up some food.”

As she watched him fix her a bowl, she couldn’t help but think how this kind, gentle man was taking care of her – a stranger. Part of her thought it was just a set-up and soon she’d be fighting him off, but the kinder, gentler side of her was staring at him in appreciation.

What would it be like to be Lucas’s girlfriend? Shaking her head, she knew that couldn’t happen because it was way too soon after being dumped.

Thinking back on the men in her life, she realized that no one had ever taken care of her like Lucas. When she had the flu, the boyfriend’s response had been “stay home, don’t come see me and I hope you get to feeling better soon.”

The least he could have done was bring her food or go to the store and get her medications. But no, he’d been afraid of contracting her disease as he liked to call it.

When they finished the delicious soup, Lucas smiled at her.

“Feeling better?”

“Yes,” she said realizing the aspirin and even the cold pack had helped with her headache.

“Good,” he said as he stood to gather the used dishes.

“Let me help you,” she said feeling like she should do something instead of just sitting there taking advantage of his kindness.

“No,” he said. “You need to rest tonight. Why don’t we sit in the living room and I’ll build a fire to help the generator warm the house.”

She nodded and he helped her walk into the living room.

“I think I’m going to be all right,” she said. “You don’t have to help me.”

“Tonight, I want to make certain you don’t get dizzy or fall. Let me pamper you,” he said.

What boyfriend had ever said that to her? None.

As she sat on the sofa, he laid a soft blanket beside her. “In case you get chilled.”

She pulled it up over her legs and sighed.

After he had lit the fire in the huge rock fireplace, she gazed at him sitting so far away in a recliner. It was like he was trying to make her feel comfortable around him. And she was glad.

So far, he’d not made any moves on her and for that she was grateful.

“Now that I’ve cried all over you and gotten your pajamas wet telling you about my bad day, tell me about yourself. How long have you lived here all alone?”


Wow, he couldn’t believe the kind of day she’d had. No wonder she’d not been excited to see the Christmas decorations. Today, she’d lost almost everything she’d felt hopeful about in her life. He wanted to make her feel better. To make her smile, comfort her, and let her heal. No wonder women often thought men were jerks.

He could see color coming back in her cheeks and that was a good sign. They’d been so white when he brought her into the house. But now she was starting to relax and he was glad.
