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“Asher wanted to meet me for dinner,” he finally said. With that, his stare landed on my face again. “I guess I got a little caught up in texting him. I couldn’t wait to tell him my plans for the business. My plans for us.”

That was when I got a good look at his face. He was as upset about all of this as I was. I’d misjudged the entire situation.

“I heard you making dinner plans,” I said. “And then when you seemed dismissive, I ran.”

I felt like a complete fool. I’d run from him right after we’d shared the most intimate experience two people could.

Trevor looked around and took a few tentative steps into the apartment. It was small enough that even standing at the door, there wasn’t that much space between us. Maybe ten feet or so. But those ten feet may as well have been a mile.

“I’m a mess,” he said, the hint of a smile relaxing his features a little. “I know we haven’t even known each other twenty-four hours yet, but you’ve changed me…in a good way. I want to see where this is going. If you’re game, of course.

Now I was the one smiling. “I’m game.”

I stood, prepared to walk toward him as soon as I sensed it was okay. More than anything, I wanted to feel his arms around me.

“I guess I was worried you’d see the real me.” I took a deep breath and let it out. If this was going to go anywhere, I had to be completely honest. “I suck at sales. I work hard, but Sammie can run circles around me. I was looking for a marketing job, and this was billed as one, but sales and marketing aren’t the same thing.”

His smile had faded now, and he was staring at me. This was probably the dumbest move in Pleasure Valley history, but it wasn’t about keeping my job. It was about being honest with a man I could see myself falling in love with. Jobs could be replaced.

“That’s perfect.” He stepped toward me, but he was staring off into the distance thoughtfully. “I don’t need two salespeople for this region. What I could use is another member on my marketing team, especially since you know the product.”

I definitely knew the product. “I could train with your marketing team in Silicon Valley.”

“Most of them work from home like I do.” A smile crept across his face. “But yeah, I think some time in Silicon Valley is exactly what you need. I know somewhere you can stay too, if you’re okay with a five-thousand-square-foot condo instead of a hotel room.”

Five thousand square feet? I wasn’t even sure I’d know what to do in a place that big.

But he was walking toward me now, closing the remaining distance between us. I took a couple of steps forward too, meeting him. Our arms went around each other, but we didn’t kiss. Not just yet.

“I’ve missed you,” he said. Then he laughed. “That sounds sappy, I know.”

I shrugged. “Sappy isn’t a bad thing. And yeah, I missed you too.”

Our lips met in a slow, sweet kiss. This one was different than the others. There was meaning behind it—even more meaning than before.

Yes, I definitely could see myself falling in love with this guy. And I’d be spending plenty of time in his enormous condo.



It felt like I’d waited hours for Trevor to walk through those doors. In truth, it’d been no more than a half hour.

But when you were naked on a bed in front of a window in a high-rise, surrounded by other high-rises, you could get a little impatient. Especially since this was something we’d been talking about doing for a year.

“Well,” Trevor said as he came to the end of the little hallway that led into the room.

He still wore his coat and the Santa hat I’d asked him to keep on during our entire drive to Eugene. We were here for the annual tech convention where he’d bought Asher Layne’s company last year. For hours, I’d been fantasizing about fucking my husband while he was wearing that hat…and nothing else.

I pushed myself up to an almost seated position and reached over, pressing the button that would turn the light on next to me. That light would make us more visible.

I’d deliberately chosen this room because the bed was pushed close to the window, which had curtains that I’d opened wide. We were on full display. When I turn back to him, Trevor had his coat off and was tugging his quarter-zip sweater over his head.

I’d been wet for hours. I’d blame it on pregnancy hormones. I was, after all, eight weeks pregnant—a secret Trevor and I were keeping to ourselves until I was further along. But no, this had everything to do with the plans I had for us.

“Are you sure we have time for this?” he asked as he unbuckled his belt.

I knew he’d choose to skip dinner altogether if I said we didn’t, but I’d told him our meeting with a potential new business acquisition was an hour earlier than it was. I wanted to get here and enjoy each other before the meeting.
