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I shrugged. “No problem. That’s something we can work on now. Grab your coffee and meet me in your boss’s office.”

I was already snatching up my coffee cup, coat, and laptop bag as I said those words. I felt her watching me, those stunning soulful blue eyes taking in my sudden shift in direction.

This was typical of me, though. I moved fast and expected the world to keep up with me. But today, my restlessness was even more ramped up than usual. Today, I felt the almost overwhelming need to keep moving. Otherwise, I’d have to try to sort out the unfamiliar, terrifying feelings I was having for a woman I’d just met. A woman who was my employee and therefore off limits.

Maybe if I moved fast enough, I could escape it.



What happened to showing him around the office?

Trevor had made himself at home, settling into the cushy chair behind Mr. Layne’s desk. I supposed it was this Trevor guy’s desk now, since he claimed to be my new boss.

On the desk in front of Trevor was a laptop. He stared at the screen intently, his to-go coffee seemingly forgotten next to it.

I stepped inside the tiny office and took one of the two guest chairs. I was already missing my coworker, who usually sat in the other one. Where was she? Had this man fired her? Was I next?

“Asher gave me server access,” Trevor said, his eyes not leaving the screen. “I poked around a little last night, but I think I need your help figuring out what some of this is.”


I sat, clutching my coffee cup in front of me like a shield. How was it possible to be both intimidated and turned on by a man at the same time?

Trevor suddenly stood, picking up his laptop. “You know, it would be easier if I came around to you.”

Oh crap. He was actually moving around to my side. My heart rate accelerated to what must be a dangerous level at the thought of him sitting next to me. Worse, he scooted his chair closer, a move that made total sense. How would we look at the screen otherwise?

He propped the laptop on his knee and angled it toward me, then started clicking around. He was talking, but his words didn’t quite sink in. All I could think about was the clean, fresh scent of him as he angled his body toward mine to get his arms in a position to type.

“That’s my territory,” I said a few minutes into our meeting. “And that’s Sammie’s.”

We were both staring at a full-screen map of the U.S. at that point. Half of it was coded in light pink—my chosen color—and the other half was in a teal blue—Sammie’s chosen color.

But the screen moved out of my view as he shifted to face me. There was no denying his frown.

“You have to be kidding me,” he said.

Oh crap. What had I said? Going by his tone, it was the most absurd thing possible.

He gestured toward the laptop. “That’s half the country.”

“Only HR people,” I said.

What did that mean? It was a ridiculous answer. But I couldn’t seem to focus. This guy’s eyes were the most interesting shade of blue I’d ever seen. It was a deep sapphire color, and when he looked at me, I felt like I was the only woman in the world.

I could almost make myself believe that he felt this zing of attraction buzzing between us. But no, that was impossible. A guy like Trevor would date super smart women his age or complete ditzes. I was neither. I was an honors graduate from one of the most prestigious private schools in the country who was just starting her career. That meant I had no accolades. I was just a twenty-something nobody to him, no doubt.

“That’s too much,” he said. “At CyberSword, we try to keep it regional. Our salespeople cover three or four states, at most.”

He looked at the screen again, and I took the opportunity to watch him. He had a strong jawline, and I wondered what it would feel like to run my thumb along it as I kissed him.

Yes, I definitely wanted my first time to be with someone like this. Someone who knew his way around a woman’s body. Someone who could show me what I’d missed by being so sheltered all my life.

“I don’t mind traveling,” I blurted. “I actually enjoy it. Besides?—”

I hesitated. What was I going to say here? Sammie was a far better salesperson than I was. She ran circles around me. If he was going to fire one of us, which looked highly possible, she was the one he’d want to keep. That meant I’d be on the unemployment line, forced to move back in with my parents.
