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But when she moved back a little, looking down at me, all those thoughts washed away. Our eyes met, and I knew my life had changed forever. This was the woman I loved.

God, I hoped she felt the same way.

We moved together, my hands sliding over her waist. My eyes were drawn to her face, her breasts…all of her. I couldn’t get enough. I reached up and slid one hand behind her nape, pulling her face toward mine for a kiss that lasted until we were both nearing completion.

I let her ride me until she was crying out. As she came down, I held her in place and thrust into her, tentatively at first but then fast and deep. My orgasm was an explosion, seeming to come after a lifetime of not knowing what true lovemaking really was. In fact, this may as well have been my first time too. It had never been like this.

I wanted to tell her all those things, but first I had to make sure she felt the same.

Afterward, we held each other, her straddling me on that chair, me all too aware of the time ticking by. I didn’t care what the people of Pleasure Valley thought. This was my woman, and I was taking her to my hotel.

She would be in my bed tonight and every night for the rest of my life.



Sex was messy. I suppose I’d always known it would be. But until I was standing in the bathroom of my office trying to clean body fluids off my thighs, I hadn’t known just how messy.

It was worth every second of it. This man was amazing. And I was terrified.

I definitely had feelings for him, but the whole thing was such a cliché. Young worker has sex with her super rich, super powerful boss and assumes it’s going to be something more. Only to him, it was just a quick bang to pass the time.

By the time I crept out of the bathroom, I was sure I was the biggest fool alive. I just needed to grab my clothes and get out. If he wanted to fire me, fine. I wouldn’t file a sexual harassment lawsuit. If anything, I’d been the one to initiate all this.

“Dinner sounds great.”

Trevor’s very distinctive voice came from his office. He was making dinner plans with someone else. Was it a friend, a business associate…a woman?

It didn’t matter. That was what I told myself, anyway. I just needed to grab my stuff and get going.

“Sounds good. Six? I’ll see you then.”

As I stepped into the office, I immediately noticed my clothes, folded neatly in a pile on the guest chair where I’d sat earlier that day. And Trevor was behind the desk in the chair where I lost my virginity. He was fully dressed.

“Is this everything?” I asked.

My tone was clipped, professional. Just as intended.

“Yeah,” he said distractedly.

He didn’t even look up from his screen. He didn’t care that I was about to snatch up my clothes and rush from the building. He was probably texting his dinner date. Words like,Can’t wait to see youor something.

I just kept telling myself it didn’t matter. I was his fling that he’d probably fire as soon as he got a look at my sales figures for the year.

“I’ll just?—”

I started the sentence but didn’t finish it. Just what? He wasn’t even glancing my way.

I grabbed my stack of clothes and rushed from the room, stopping to dress in the bathroom. All I had to do was gather my stuff at my desk and run.

If he wanted to fire me, so be it. I needed to put as much distance between me and my new boss as possible.



Where the fuck had Janelle gone?
