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He pulled away, a gentle smile on his lips. Putting the truck into reverse, he glanced over her way. “Where to, boss?”

Giggling, she replied, “Down to the old factory district to the former tannery building.”

“Okay. Gray’s always had a thing for that building. Not surprised he wants you to look at it. He’s dreamed of incorporating ideas from that place into something forever.”

She giggled again. “That’s what Sam said.” Feeling lighter than she had in ages, she took the opportunity to ask, “Have they been together long? They seem to have the nicest relationship.”

“Not too long; about two years now, I think. They met and married within just a couple of months. But they do seem perfect for each other. His kids love her. Her kids love him, and they work together all day. It seems as though they’re a perfect match.”

“Yes. They’re funny in the office, too. Sam knows how to handle him without being bitchy. It’s fun to watch.” Twisting a bit to see him better, she continued, “How about you, David? When you met Rita, did you know you wanted to be with her?”

He glanced her way briefly then back to the road. “No. But she was a distraction and fun to be around. She wasn’t clingy or demanding. Very independent. We dated, and she got pregnant. So, I did what I thought I was supposed to do and married her.”

“And you were married for, what? About fourteen years?”


“What happened? I mean, at the end.”

He cleared his throat. “We were both very independent and driven. Unfortunately, if there isn’t an extreme amount of love holding things together, people drift apart. I became wrapped up in Haggerty Security; she became wrapped up in her current husband, Harold.”

“Oh.” Glancing out the windshield, she watched as the newer section of town faded into the older factory district. The buildings, mostly vacant and unkept, lined the street on both sides. “I’m sorry.”

He chuckled. “No need to be sorry. At first, I was probably a bit more than irritated that she and Harold carried on behind my back. Then I had a long hard look at the situation and realized I wasn’t really all that broken up. She’s a handful, to say the least, and I didn’t care to have my hands full.”

She chuckled. “Well said.”

She saw the sign Litten’s Tannery and sat forward in her seat. Ducking her head to see out the windshield, the building’s clean lines and gabion façade, she smiled. “Now I get it.” Reaching forward, she pulled her drawing pad from her bag. “Do you mind pulling into the parking lot across the street first? That way I can see the whole building.”

He maneuvered the truck into the parking lot across the street and parked them, so she was looking directly out the windshield. Her pencil began its journey across her drawing paper, catching little nuances and points of interest.

* * *

Mesmerized would be a good word for what he was feeling. He sat quietly and watched her expertly draw the building across the street, catching the lines of the brick where it dipped and changed into the façade protruding from the windows on the second and third floors. She captured the ornate details at the roof line, and he glanced up at the top of the building to see that there was detailing he’d never noticed before. Watching Kiera capture this in a pencil drawing was surreal. He remembered watching her draw like this when they were in college, and he swallowed at the memories of them sitting in the park or driving around for inspiration when she had a homework assignment.

She seemed to go to another place in her mind as she slowly reached into her bag and pulled out colored pencils and drew in protruding green balconies and floral arrangements that were only in her mind.

He watched her transform the old abandoned building into one that someone was going to fall in love with and occupy. She added detailing above the front door and wrought iron railings and arched windows. The building transformed into an artist’s masterpiece, and he was enthralled with the process.

After a few more moments, she stopped her hands and stared at the building before finally saying, “I’m sorry, I get lost sometimes.”

He opened his mouth to say something, but words didn’t come. He swallowed and cleared his throat. “No. I enjoyed watching you in your element.” He sought her eyes when she turned to face him.

Softly, she replied, “Thank you.” But she dipped her head as if embarrassed.

He lifted her chin with his fingers and captured her eyes with his. “Please don’t be embarrassed because you have talent.”

She nodded. “I’ve hidden so much of myself these past years that it gets scary to let it come out. Freeing, though. And, thank you for sharing it with me.”

“What do we do from here? Do you need to walk around the building? Not sure how safe it is, but we can try.”

“I’d like to get a few pictures, and I’ll just snap a picture of this and text it to Gray and see if this is what he had in mind.”

He watched as she sent her text to Gray, then put her drawing pad in the bag she’d brought it in and unbelted herself. He opened his door and brusquely walked to open hers. Reaching in for her hand, the thrill that ran the length of his body at her touch made his heart race. She stepped from the vehicle, and he locked the truck as he placed his hand at the small of her back. He felt the need to touch her in some way, wanting the connection with her. She walked closer to him than before, and he felt light-headed at her nearness.

They crossed the vacant street and stood at the edge of the parking lot. She began snapping pictures at different sections of the building—windows, doors, brick, detailed façade, and the building overall. She giggled, and he turned to look at her. “What’s so funny?”

“I just happened to think that it was too bad we don’t have that old gray blanket to spread out and sit on. Remember how many places we dragged that thing to? The park, school, concerts, Saturday afternoon studying on the floor in your apartment, and it was always in your car whenever we went anywhere.”
