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He laughed. “I never knew when the heat would go out in the Mustang and didn’t want you to freeze to death.”

She laughed out loud, and the sight stopped his breathing. Her head thrown back, the smile on her face transforming the normally reserved and scared woman into the beauty she once was. Still was, but it was hidden behind fear and abuse. The sun glinted off her hair, allowing him to see her silhouette through the fabric of the soft blue blouse she wore. “Oh, that’s right. I forgot about that.”

She touched his arm and lightning flashed through his body as she squeezed. His arm snaked around her slim waist and pulled her to him. The surprise on her face flitted through to desire in a heartbeat, and he knew then and there that he needed to be with her. Maybe they could get it all back.


“Kiera.” His voice was ragged and raspy. The rough sound told her of his desire, and that made her body respond as it had all those years ago. Her breathing shallowed, and the wetness in her panties caused her to stiffen slightly.Oh. My. God.Her body could respond again, and it felt heavenly.

She sighed as he pulled her tightly to him and she felt his desire through the thickness of the jeans he wore. Her heart hammered in her chest, and the butterflies in her stomach came to life again. She stood on her toes and pulled his head down for a kiss and the groan he emitted floated into her body and did maddening things between her legs.

He pulled back. “Not the most romantic place.”

She smiled. “No.” She stepped back, more so she could catch her breath than anything. Clearing her throat, she changed the subject, “You must be hungry. I’d promised you lunch if you came with me today.”

“Yes. I’m hungry.” He growled. The meaning in his eyes told her so much more. “Let’s go back to my house. I’ll grill you a steak, and we can have a glass of wine together.”

“I’d like that.” She beamed up at him, and he swallowed. Times like this, she wished she had a best friend to tell about this moment because it was certainly worth telling. The reawakening of Kiera Donnelly. She shouldn’t have blown off Lucky’s Stitch and Bitch on Wednesday, but she’d been too nervous, and with David not calling her after their dinner on Monday, she’d had a very slight panic attack and ended up curling up in bed with her daughter’s stuffed puppy, Max. She’d turned that stuffed animal into a security blanket of sorts.

David led her to the truck, his hand once again at the small of her back, and she wanted to whoop in the air at the buoyancy of her feelings right at this moment. She’d go to Lucky’s next week, that was for sure.

“How far away do you live?”

He chuckled. “Not too far. I live on the lake—just down the road from Gray and Sam, actually. I built my home around three years ago. I’d finished paying Rita child support when Matt went to college. The kids were both gone, so it was time. I did a lot of the work myself, but Gray and Ethan designed the layout. I hired contract workers at Gray’s recommendation. I enjoy being on the lake, and yet, I’m still close to town.”

“I’m so happy for you, David. Really.”

He reached over and took her hand in his. She saw him swallow rapidly and wondered what emotion he was pushing down.

Turning down Lakefly Lane, he began pointing out some of the houses and naming their occupants. “That’s where Dominic and Tara Novi live. They own Little Italy.”

The home was gorgeous and substantial in size. Oddly, it wasn’t Italian in design; it boasted more modern lines.

“This home is where Stu Hartman lives. He owns the hardware store in town. His daughter and son-n-law live in the house right next to him.” They continued around the corner, the property lines dotted with trees, hiding the homes from viewers.

“Wow, so this is where all the business owners in town live. Good to know.” She smiled, and he graced her with a grin that made her heart skip a beat.

“This is Gray and Sam’s house. He’s spent hours upon hours outside in the yard. When they met, she enjoyed the gardening just as much as he, so you can see what green thumbs they have.”

Gorgeous landscapes, lush flowers, and an immaculate lawn rolled down to the water’s edge. He leaned toward her. “The best for last. This is where I call home.” Turning into a blacktop drive, the lovely sprawling ranch appeared. Stone walls on the bottom, dark brown siding on top. The front porch was adorned by two white wooden rocking chairs with red cushions. A small white wooden table stood next to each chair. Each peak in the roof line was trimmed in hardy oak, which gave the home a woodsy feel. The carriage doors on the garage were the perfect touch. He tapped the garage door, and, as it opened for them, she glanced out to the lake and saw a couple of paddle boats slowly drifting by; each held an older couple chatting and laughing. Good times.

“David, this is magnificent.”

She heard him exhale and turned to see him watching her again. “Really, this is gorgeous. I can see why you love it here. It’s peaceful with a friendly feel.”

Perusing his home and landscape, his smile widened. “Thanks. I think so, too. Let me show you the inside and see if you’re still impressed.”

Chuckling, she unbuckled her seat belt as he slowly pulled the truck into the garage. After stopping, he walked around the front of the vehicle as she gathered her things. Her door opened, and, as he’d done before, he reached in to help her down. He lifted her bags from her shoulder and carried them for her. She thought to protest but didn’t want to insult him, and it was pretty nice having someone want to do something nice for her.

Entering from the garage, they walked into the kitchen. The stunning cabinetry, hung at varying levels, was made of alder and stained a medium hue. The granite gracing the top boasted shades of tans, coppers, and swirls of deep reds throughout. The look together was breathtaking.

The flooring was a lighter tone of wood, which complemented the counter tops and brought the whole look together. Copper canisters and wrought iron touches throughout spoke of the man who occupied the space and fit David to a tee.

“I can see you here, David. The most appealing kitchen I’ve ever seen, and it fits your personality.”

“Thank you. I had nothing to do with the decorating; that was all my daughter, Leesa.”

“She’s talented and knows you well.”
