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He took her hand in his and led her to the great room, which had a floor-to-ceiling fireplace on the far wall made of stacked stone of varying tans, browns, and reds. The alder mantle brought the kitchen into the living room, and the soft brown carpeting complemented the space.

“I’m speechless, David. This is breathtaking.”

He held his hand toward the soft brown leather sofa. “Please, take a seat. I’ll pour us a glass of wine and pull the steaks out of the freezer while we finish our tour.”

She walked to the sofa and sat, at first primly at the edge, but the softness of the leather and the smell—gosh, was there a better smell than leather? It pulled her in and enveloped her like a warm blanket.

She inhaled the fragrance of the wood and leather, and a chill ran through her body. The photographs on the mantle, in varying shapes and styles of frames, showed David and his children in happy times. David and Mattox each holding up a large salmon. Leesa sitting on a man’s lap. From the social media posts, she recognized him as her fiancée, Chris. Both kids on their graduation days. Christmas. Oh, David’s mom, Joan, much older than the last time she’d seen her, of course, but dressed to impress as usual.

“Leesa found that collection of frames at an estate sale and I loved them, so she put those pictures together and on the mantle. They fit, don’t they?” He handed her a glass of wine, tapped his glass to hers and drank, his eyes never leaving hers. She sipped the wine from her glass and replied.

“Yes, they certainly do. You’re fortunate to have children that love you so much. It looks like you have a wonderful relationship with them.” Holding up her glass she added, “Raspberry Framboise. Delicious.”

“Very good. You’re a wine aficionado.”

She shook her head, the butterflies returning at the look in his eyes and she had to fight the urge to throw herself at him. The man was more intoxicating than the wine. As he took a seat next to her, his aftershave wafted over her, and she breathed deeply to inhale the spicy scent of him mixed with the leather and wood. It consumed her, and the zing that ran straight to her pussy shocked and thrilled her. She squirmed slightly as she tried thinking of something else. “No, not an aficionado. I just had a glass this week.”

His eyes left her and traveled to the photographs of his kids. “I’m so blessed. They are wonderful people. And Chris, Leesa’s fiancée, is a great addition to the family. He’s a landscape architect and designed my whole yard.”

“That’s fantastic.”

* * *

The conversation began to wane. He just wanted to strip her naked and plunge into her. Seeing her sit in his home made his heart thump. He’d dreamed of this over the years, of having her here, being with her. It was the main reason he didn’t pine away for Rita when she left him. Rita wasn’t Kiera. No one was.

He noticed her shiver and stood. “I’ll be right back—don’t move.”

He hurried to the spare bedroom that Mattox used when he stayed over and opened the old trunk he’d inherited from his grandmother. Pulling the top shelf from the trunk, he laid it on the floor and pulled out a couple of blankets. Putting all but the one he wanted back into the trunk, he replaced the shelf, closed the lid, and hurried back out to Kiera.

His eyes were on her as he entered the great room; she looked so small and delicate in the shadow of the massive sofa and enormous fireplace. Of course, no one could go through what she had and be weak or delicate. She was made of stronger stuff than he.

She turned and looked into his eyes; then hers traveled to the blanket in his hands. Her hand flew to cover her soft lips as the tears sprang to her eyes instantly.

His throat grew dry, and he had to swallow the sob that threatened to escape. “I couldn’t throw it away.” He stood transfixed in his spot as he watched her sob. Her hand shook as she set her glass on the side table, her body quivering with emotion of the moment.

He walked to her and opened the old gray blanket they’d shared so often. It smelled like the old trunk, but he didn’t care. Sitting close to her, he lay it across both of their legs, and she immediately grabbed it in her hands and held it to her face. Her tears wet the old fuzzy covering, her sobs caught in its threads.

His tears flowed as he watched her, overcome with the moment and he swallowed profusely to get himself together. He reached for the box of tissues on the coffee table and handed it over to her. Taking one himself, he blew his nose and cleared his throat.

“I’m sorry. I should have warned you what I was going to do. I’d forgotten I still had it until you brought it up today and then I saw you shiver, and I thought you’d appreciate that I still had it.”

“Oh, my God. I do. I just … I never … It’s just …” The sobbing forbade her speech, and she pulled another tissue from the box. Swiping her eyes and blowing her nose, she sat straighter, cleared her throat and faced him. “This is so lovely. Thank you so much for keeping it, David. I’m speechless.”

Leaning into him, she pulled his head down to kiss him, and his heart hammered in his chest. This magnitude of feelings had no words. She deepened the kiss and slowly pushed him back into the sofa until she was laying on top of him. Her legs straddled his, her hands delved into his hair, and he was lost.


She was wanton, and she didn’t care. She wanted this man—needed this man—and as soon as his hands squeezed her ass, she let go. Devouring his mouth, tasting every inch of his tongue. The feel of his hair between her fingers was thrilling. The feel of his hard cock pushing against her, overwhelming. She wanted to touch him everywhere, feel his skin against hers. She wanted him inside of her over and over again.

His hips pushed up and ground into her, and he hitthatspot. She whimpered and ground herself into him, and he groaned and pushed her ass down harder onto him. This was probably going to be a world record sprint to the finish, but her fully-awakened hormones were now bursting to run free. She couldn’t count the number of times she’d thought of being with him again.

She tilted her head, so her mouth fit over his perfectly. He tasted like the raspberry wine they’d been sipping. His warmth seeped into her body. She felt the flush rush up her body, past her tummy, up her chest, her neck, then it warmed her cheeks. Her skin dampened, but that was nothing compared to the wetness in her panties. As her thoughts floated there, David’s hand did, too.

Reaching between their wriggling heated bodies, his fingers pressed firmly against her clit, and a whimper rushed from her mouth. Then, before she could comprehend what was happening, he moved his hand from between them, to cover her ass, his other hand holding hers as he flipped her over in one swift move. Her back pressed to the soft leather sofa; she blinked as her position was now to her advantage to admire the fact that David covered her body with his. His weight felt fantastic, and her hands sought to explore every inch of his super sexy, manly body.

Pulling his shirt from his jeans, she swiftly shoved her hands under his shirt, her fingers enjoying the feel of his skin. Deepening the kiss, she reveled in his reaction. His breathing now ragged, his hips rotating, driving his hard length into her rapidly swelling pussy and it wouldn’t be long now before she exploded.

He tilted slightly to his elbow, rocking his body off hers just enough that he could unzip and unbutton her dress slacks. Her hands fumbled quickly to help him, then flew to the fly of his jeans to unfasten his clothing. Shoving his shirt down his shoulders, pulling one arm free, then the other. She pushed his shirt to the floor, then quickly shimmied to remove her own clothing while David quickly divested himself of his jeans and briefs.
