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He breathed a sigh of relief. This lunch had been more productive than he imagined it would be. Now, he had to let Kiera know that he wanted her to meet his children. They’d only been back together for three short weeks, and during that time, it seemed like a roller coaster most days, but he was determined to get them to a place where they could function as a couple without so much of the bad always coming between them. This was the first step toward that. Then, he’d need to have a conversation with Rita. That was not going to be pleasant. She’d been jealous of Kiera all the time they’d known each other after he shared with her what had happened. In many ways, that’s probably why his marriage to Rita never had a chance. She’d always accused him of carrying a torch for Kiera, and he was hard-pressed to argue the point. That seemed to drive the wedge between them right from the beginning.

“So, you only have three weeks until the wedding, what do you need from me and what new plans have you made?” He loved watching the sparkle in his daughter’s eye when she talked about her life with Chris. From day one, the two had been inseparable, and she’d been smitten.

“Well, we’d decided to forgo the dance for the parents, but since you’ll have a date, I think we can bring that back in. So, you’ll need to talk to Mom about Kiera because the six of you will be on the dance floor together, and I don’t want her shooting daggers at you and vice versa.”

Yeah, that’d be great. “I’ll take care of it this week.”

Leesa’s smile grew. “Then, you need to go and have your tux fitted. The guys are trying to plan on Friday night; will that work for you?”

Mentally checking his calendar, he ticked off the days. “I can make Friday work.”

“Great. I’ll let Chris know, and he’ll give you a call about the time and place. Now can I tell you about my cake and flowers?” Her infectious smile warmed his heart. All a parent ever wanted was for his or her children to be happy.

* * *

Excited to have dinner with David, she’d stopped at the grocery store after work to pick up the ingredients for her lasagna. It had always been a favorite of hers. She hoped David would enjoy it too.

Emptying her carrier, folding it and putting it in the pantry she turned to the groceries on the counter and began preparing her feast. The past few days she’d been tired and depleted from her headache and the aftereffects of it and the medication. But, today she’d awoken in David’s arms for the fourth day in a row, and the happiness that wrapped itself around her was consuming.

They hadn’t made love since Saturday night. He was kind, gentle, and concerned about her well-being.

“Amore mio, I can see you’re still not yourself. There’s no reason to push so hard. When you’re feeling better, we’ll make up for lost time.”

Partly relieved and partly sad, she snuggled in beside him enjoying the cocoon of his arms around her, and his body pressed tightly against her back. Anytime she woke in the middle of the night, if they had drifted apart, he’d roll to her, and without words, scoop her body into his arms and squeeze.

Her heart was full. Tonight they’d make love, and butterflies awoke and fluttered in her tummy. The thrill was empowering.

Her lasagna completed, she slid it into the oven when a knock on her door brought a smile from ear to ear. He’d finished with work early, but why he didn’t use the key she’d given him was a puzzle.

Wiping her hands on a towel, she laid it on the counter and made her way to the door. Opening it wide, the smile that had seemed permanently in residence now fell as she looked at her visitor. The hairs on the back of her neck rose, that old sinking feeling in her stomach returned, and her body trembled.

“Are you just going to stand there like an idiot or let me in?”

Opening her mouth to speak, she struggled for words. “I … What are … Why are you here?”

“Articulate as ever I see.” The odious woman sauntered past her, bumping her shoulder as she passed.

“Carleene, what are you doing here?”

Closing her door gently, she turned and stared at her mother-in-law. The woman, while once a beauty, now was a source of ugliness in her life. Middle age spread and a wealthy lifestyle had her physique rounded out, but that face of hers was forever pinched into a permanent frown. She still had her hair died so black it looked blue, which made her face pale out and seem almost ghostlike. Her back was ramrod straight, and she stood stiffly in her living room, pulling her gloves from her hands, despite it being June in Wisconsin and today’s temperature a mild 72 degrees.

“I’ve come for my money.”


The handle turned on the door, and she breathed a sigh of relief when David’s body filled her space.

“Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had company.” He slid the keys into his front jeans pocket and held out his right hand to Carleene.

Though she made no move to engage him in any way, her spine stiffened, if that were possible. She sniffed lightly and turned to the sofa. “It appears Kiera no longer has any hospitality to show her mother-in-law; therefore, I’ll make myself comfortable.”

Placing a hand on his upper arm, she looked into David’s deep blue eyes, and when he made eye contact with her, she lightly smiled and squeezed his arm.

“Supper will be ready in thirty minutes. Can I get you something to drink?”

“Ha! So, him you’ll offer a drink; to me, nothing,” Carleene huffed.

Inhaling deeply, Kiera turned to her mother-in-law. Ex-mother-in-law. And softly, but sweetly, replied. “He’s welcome here. You are not.”
