Page 56 of Ashes

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“No, I really doubt you do,” he said in a hoarse whisper.

“You made it real clear,” I assured him.

He let out a harsh laugh, and I set my sandwich back down before looking at him.His eyes were closed, and his head was tilted back, facing skyward.His hands were shoved into the pockets of his sweats.The sight of him like that was unfair.

“Fuck,” he swore under his breath as his eyes snapped open.

He took the five long strides to reach me.He leaned down and grabbed my arms, pulling me out of the chair.My chest hit his just before his mouth slammed down on mine.

For a moment, I feared this was a dream and I would wake up at any minute on that sofa.I held on to his biceps, praying this was real.That it wasn’t going to evaporate, leaving me aching.I opened my mouth to his as he ran his tongue along my bottom lip.The second he slid inside, my knees buckled, and his hands went to my waist, tugging me closer.

A growl vibrated in his chest, causing my entire body to pulse with warmth.I never wanted this to end.I was afraid that when it did, he’d push me away.Give me a taste of how it could have been, then snatch it all from me.No future.No hope for more.

I heard a whimper and realized it had come from me.It was a mixture of panic and desire.I would do anything to keep him from stopping.If he did, I was most certain I would be destroyed.Never to work correctly again.Completely damaged.

Wilder’s mouth left mine, but his lips trailed across my heated skin.Along my jawline to my neck.“Stop me,” he said in a low voice near my ear.

I shivered.“No,” I breathed, my grip on his arms tightening.I could feel my nails biting into his flesh, but I didn’t ease up.I wasn’t letting him stop this.

His teeth lightly nipped at my earlobe before he picked me up and spun me around to set me on the counter behind him.No longer in danger of melting in a puddle at his feet, I moved my hands up and over his shoulders and into his hair as he kissed down to my collarbone.His hands moved under the oversize sweatshirt, and I gasped, pulling at his hair gently as his callous palms cupped my bare breasts.

“Oakley,” he said, lifting his eyes from the bared skin, where the sweatshirt hung over one shoulder, “stop me.”

I stared down at him and licked my swollen lips.He’d kissed me hard enough to leave them tender.I wanted more of that.I shook my head, and his dark eyes turned almost black.He took the hem of the sweatshirt I was wearing and pulled it up and over my head.I lifted my arms as he removed it, realizing this was the first time he’d ever seen me like this.Not from my lack of trying back when he’d been mine.

Watching him stand there, looking at me as if he was trying to memorize every small curve of my body, made me shiver.My nipples were already hard from his hands being on them, but now, they literally hurt.

“Jesus,” he whispered.“I knew you would be beautiful, but I wasn’t prepared for this.”He reached out and ran his thumb over one of my sensitive buds.“You’re fucking exquisite.”

Having Wilder praise me was something straight out of my fantasies, but right now, I needed more.I ran my hand back up his shoulder and pulled him to me.His eyes went to my mouth, and then he gave me what I needed.The taste of him was one I had never forgotten.The way he could command every nerve in my body with just a kiss had amazed me when I was seventeen, and now, I was jealous of every woman he had kissed.I wanted him all to myself.

When his lips left mine, I started to protest, but he sucked one of my nipples into his hot mouth, and I forgot all else.Gripping his shoulders, I watched him while panting.This was by far the best sexual experience I had ever had, and we weren’t even having sex.Yet.If he tried to walk away from this and not finish, I would tie him down and do it myself.

His hand slipped into the waist of the sweatpants I was wearing, and he groaned when he found me bare underneath.“Fuck, Oakley,” he said, letting my nipple pop from his lips.“If I’d known you were naked under all this fabric I tried to cover you up with, you’d never have gotten that nap.”

His eyes stayed on mine, and I opened my legs wider as he shoved his hand between them.

“AH!”I cried out, gripping the edge of the counter when his finger slid between my wet folds.

Wilder’s eyes flared with heat as he pushed a finger inside of me.It had been a while since anything had been there.Even my vibrator.I’d gotten bored with having to pleasure myself.But this … this was on a level no vibrator could reach.

“That’s a tight pussy,” he said with a groan, never taking his eyes off my face.He began to pump his finger in and out slowly.Sounds were coming from me, but I was too lost in this moment.I had no clue what I was saying or doing.I just didn’t want him to stop.

“So damn gorgeous; it hurts,” he rasped before taking the sweats and pulling them off me, leaving me naked and on display.“Goddamn, it just keeps getting better.”

He placed his hands on my knees and spread my legs.My body flushed as he looked at me there.It wasn’t that I was a virgin or anything because that ship had sailed with Sebastian.But it was that Wilder was the one touching me.Seeing me like this.

His hands slipped down to my calves, and he gripped them, then bent my knees, bringing my feet up until my heels were on the edge of the counter.My chest was rising and falling so quickly as I struggled to catch my breath.Wilder slipped his hands under my butt and pulled me forward just before he lowered his mouth.The world around me faded away the moment his tongue flicked over my clit.I cried out as my hand went to his head and held him there as I began to tremble.I wanted to watch.See him kiss me, taste me, but I was also fighting the pure euphoria of the experience, and my eyes wanted to close and get lost in it.

“So fucking sweet.”His husky voice vibrated against me, and I moaned, helpless.

He could do and say whatever he wanted.I was his to use.

“Jesus,” he muttered.

I opened my eyes to see him licking me as he shoved his hand into the front of his sweats and pulled out his erection, wrapping his fingers around it.The muscles on his arm flexed as he pumped himself while continuing to ravish me with his mouth.

He lifted his eyes to lock with mine.The hunger in them matched my own, and I was suddenly jealous of his hand for being the one to bring him pleasure.I wanted to do that.I tried to tell him just that when he slid a finger inside me as his tongue work got more intense.All that came from my lips were sounds from the frenzy building inside of me.
