Page 28 of Echoes of Him

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“Fucking ghouls,” I grumble.

“We can work on some techniques I’ve learned that will help you manage your temper. Would you like that, Kael?”

She watches me closely like I’m her new pet project. I suppose I am. But all I can think about right now is how fucking good she smells. Have I mentioned how good Sienna smells? Because she does. She smellsreallygood. Like the ocean. Or maybe it’s the country? Apricots? Or is it coconut? I don’t fucking know. All I know is she smells fantastic.

Would it be totally inappropriate if I leaned across and pressed my face into her neck and inhaled her?

My guess is, yeah it would.

“It’ll take a lot of work,” she continues, completely ignorant of the way my thoughts are all over the place. My eyes can’t stray away from her body, and my fingers tingle with desire when she links her hands around her knees, sitting forward again because, fuck me to hell and back, the fact that she’s wearing a floral maxi dress today makes me want to lunge straight across the room, push the dress up over her thighs and spread her knees as wide as they’ll go, while I bury my face between them.

“And a whole lot of patience and practice. But with the right tools I think you’ll be surprised what you can achieve in time. Think of it as delayed gratification.”

I know I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t go there. But come on; it’smewe’re talking about, and I’m definitely going there. She just made it too easy for me.

“I’m totally into delayed gratification, Jonesy.”

Bright blue eyes slide over me, unblinking. Exasperation practically oozes from her pores, and I know I should apologize again, but man, that heat in her skin and the littlethrobI can see in the side of her throat, it’s just too good to be true. I’ve hit a nerve. Interesting.

“Is that so?” she says softly.

Wait. Hang on.What the hell just happened?

Did Sienna Jones just flirt with me?

It’s hard to tell with this woman. I highly doubt it. Red lights, flashing sirens, danger signs ahead. A car crash you can’t look away from. But who cares? Let’s take things up a notch, shall we?

“Oh, yeah, taking things slow can be awesome, Jonesy. It’s the build up, the angst, the anticipation, ya know? It’s all the feelings that carry the ability to give unmeasurable pleasure or immense pain. You never really know which one you’re going to get until it’s too late, until you’re right there on the edge, teetering between the before and after. The idea is to ride it out for as long as you can, go real slow, take your time until you feel it building, building, building, and when you’re just about ready to com—”

“Get out of my office, Kael! Now!”

I squeeze my eyes shut, shaking my head as I stand and skulk toward the door. I brought that one on myself.

When will I ever learn?


Day 26


Shit. I’ve done it again. Man, I’ve really got to stop checking out when Sienna’s talking to me about boring stuff. Or at least learn to hide it better.

She tilts her head slightly, and I can tell she’s on to me. “Have you always been so easily distracted?”

“I guess.”

“How did you do in school?”

“I aced music. The guitar teacher was a cool guy; he taught me everything I know. He was a connoisseur of all things bass.”

“What about your grades?”

I mock gasp. “Is it not impressive enough to you that I know the word connoisseur? A high school dropout like me.”

“It’s very impressive, sure.”

“Fun fact… I was voted‘least likely to succeed’my senior year.”
