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I only wish he was never let out of prison in the first place. Men like him don’t deserve a second chance. Sure, there are people in the criminal justice system who have actually changed, but Loren isn’t one of them.

Magnus is driving the clubhouse’s truck and puts a hand on my leg, giving it a squeeze. He’s trying to be reassuring right now, but nothing is going to calm me down. Loren is going to continue taunting us until the end of days.

Fuck, the whole reason we came out here is so we could be protected. But, Loren’s still had his eyes on us this entire time. Chills run down my spine, and fear takes over me.

I close my eyes, trying to steady my breathing as the memories of Loren’s brutality flood back into my mind. The way he used to leer at me, his eyes filled with malice and sick desire. The pain he inflicted on me, both physically and emotionally, still lingers in every corner of my being.

Magnus’s hand tightens around my leg, his grip offering a small semblance of comfort amid the chaos of my thoughts. His presence alone is soothing to my wounded soul, reminding me that I’m not alone in this battle against the darkness that has haunted me for so long.

I just wish Loren would go away and leave us alone. All my mother and I want is to be safe. We want to live without being afraid of going to the grocery store alone, but we can’t. Whenever we leave the clubhouse, someone is always with us.

As the truck continues to barrel down the road, I can’t help but feel a sense of impending doom hanging over us like a storm cloud ready to unleash its fury. Loren’s sick game is far from over, and I know deep down that we can never truly escape his reach—not until he’s dead.

As Magnus pulls into the clubhouse parking lot, my stomach twists and churns with anxiety. I force myself out of the truck, struggling to control my ragged breathing as I place shaky hands on my knees. My eyes scan the surroundings, and I notice a lone envelope sitting on my car at the end of the parking lot.

My heart races as I approach, unable to shake off the feeling of dread that washes over me. It’s addressed to me in Loren’s familiar handwriting, taunting me with its presence. Magnus appears behind me, his voice filled with disbelief.

“Tell me this is a fuckin’ joke. Another one?”

I turn to face him, my own voice trembling as I confirm his worst fear. “No, it’s real. He put one on my car for me here, too.” A cold chill runs down my spine as I realize that no matter where I go, he will always find a way to torment me.

My illusion of peace is shattered, exposing the reality of our constant threat. Our efforts to push Loren away have only been in vain. He remains lurking around in every shadow, waiting for his perfect opportunity to enact his revenge.

With trembling hands, I tear open the envelope using one of my sharp acrylic nails and retrieve a pristine white card. The moment my eyes scan its contents, my entire body seizes with fear and dread.


Tweedle dee, tweedle dum.

Remember that song we used to hum?

I left a present for you in your car.

It might have helped you if you were a bard.


Trembling, I thrust the envelope into Magnus’s hands and fumble to unlock my car door. As I swing it open, a deafening shriek escapes my lips as I am met with a gruesome scene.

A beloved blue jay, its once vibrant feathers now matted with dried blood and its head brutally torn from its body, lies sprawled on my driver’s seat.

Hot tears stream down my face as I think about how cruel its death must have been. I know why he did this. I can easily recall the countless afternoons spent with Loren, admiring these majestic birds on our porch. Those were the happy days before he showed us all what kind of man he really was.

I’ve known Loren is a bad man. I’ve known it for years now, and yet the realization of what he’s capable of hits me like a punch to the gut.

“How could he do this?!” I choke out, utterly bewildered by the depths of his cruelty.

Magnus shakes his head, moving me over to the side delicately to get me to not look at the headless bird. “He’s a fuckin’ psychopath, Rayna. That’s why. Look, everything is going to be okay, but do me a favor and go inside the club for now, all right?”

I nod my head once, and Magnus pulls me into a tight hug, encapsulating me in his embrace. He’s doing his best to show me that everything will be okay, and he’s trying to convince me it will, though I’m not so certain.

He holds me tightly for a few moments before he releases me, and then I walk down the sidewalk and head inside the clubhouse.

My brother’s footsteps echo loudly as he rushes toward the door, his eyes widening at the sight of me. His face is etched with concern, and I can see the worry in his eyes.

“Is everything okay? I swear I heard a scream.” His voice is urgent and filled with the protectiveness you can only understand if you have a brother.

“Yeah, you did. Loren followed us today, leaving notes on the club’s truck and my car,” I explain quickly, my heart racing from all of the fear and anxiety coursing through me. I could tell Magnus wanted me to come inside so I could calm down a bit, but nothing is going to calm me down. We’re dealing with a fucking maniac.
