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“The way Serae explains it, humans from your world are magical… sponges.”

The way he saidspongestold me it wasn’t a word he used often. I wondered if he’d picked it up from one of the Earth humans, as he’d called them.

“Okay,” I said, prodding him to continue.

He handed me a piece of fruit, and waited until I took a bite before going on. “You soak in the magic of whichever beings you are surrounded by or connected to. So, even if our bond breaks, your body will have internalized my magic, and you will be a wolf shifter. It seems to take most of the females a month or two to shift, but in theory, they could do so much sooner.”

I blinked again.

And again.

Part of me was scared to death by the thought of transforming into a wolf. Another part of me was thrilled, because it meant I would never be weak or powerless again.

“Alright. And that’s why my hair is pink?”

He nodded. “You’re in the process of transforming, and female wolf shifters aren’t like the males. Our coloring is mist and shadows; yours is bright and alive.”

Well, then.

“So you think it’s going to be hot pink?” I checked.

He lifted a shoulder. “We won’t know until it’s finished changing.”

I picked up a chunk of it and studied the color closely. The pink was definitely getting richer.

“Your eyes are changing too,” he added. “They’re looking purple.”

“Purple?” My eyebrows shot upward. “How purple?”

He leaned closer, studying them. After a moment, he leaned back. “Very purple. And they’ve started to glow a little”

Hot damn.

“Will there be light in our den when we get back to your pack? So I can see?”

“The huvim will be attracted to your magic, so yes. Though I imagine your sight in the dark will be much better by that point, as well.”

Well, I definitely wouldn’t complain about being able to see better. Especially if they didn’t have lightbulbs in Evare.

“I believe I mentioned before that you will have your own den, if you prefer it,” Amarok added, studying me closely as he finally took a bite of his own fruit.

Relief relaxed my shoulders.

He had mentioned it, but I was worried I had heard him wrong or that he’d change his mind or something. “I would definitely prefer it.”

He nodded. “You need time to grow acquainted with life in Evare, and I understand that, Rory. I will not push you for anything you are not ready to give.”

My throat swelled.

Green flag.

That had to be a green flag.

It didn’t wipe away the red flag of the insane possessiveness he had mentioned, but still.

I hadn’t been planning on mentioning the friendship thing until we got back to his pack, but honestly, I felt like he deserved to know. He wasn’t trying to push me, and he was making it clear that I would determine the pace of our relationship, if we had one.

“You mentioned before that some mates are just friends,” I said.
