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Mountains—I was in the mountains.

Huge, stone mountains covered in trees with massive black trunks and blood red leaves. Out in front of me, an endless forest of red-leaf trees stretched as far as I could see.

“This isn’t Earth,” I whispered.

“No, it’s not. Welcome to Evare, Rory. The wolves will find you soon.”

I looked back at her, and found her eyes glowing brightly. Considering I knew she had magic, the glowing eyes didn’t seem like a stretch. “The wolves?”

“Wolf shifters,” she clarified.

“Werewolves?” My voice was incredulous.

“Like you said, this isn’t Earth.” She flashed me a smile, though her expression looked… tired. “The wolf shifters need mates to stay alive. I cursed them permanently, on accident. You’re here to mate with one of them.”

My eyebrows shot upward. “What does that mean?”

“The humans I know call it irreversible arranged marriage. It’ll start with a guy biting you.”

My eyebrows raised higher. “Irreversible arranged marriage? Andbitingme?”

“Yep.” Her smile faded, and her eyes closed for a long moment. “I’ve got to stop doing this. Only forty-four more to go.”

“Forty-four morewhat?”

“Don’t worry about it. Just… stay here. The wolves will find you soon,” she repeated, and then patted my knee lightly. “The shifters can’t hurt their women; it would kill them. You’ll be safe here.”

With that, she disappeared.

Literally, she justvanished.

“What the hell?” I turned around on the bench so I could see the view again, and my knee bumped something.

My phone.

I looked down at it, tense and nervous… but it had stopped vibrating.

My hands trembled a little as I picked it up and tapped the screen.

No service.

I could see Allen’s last few texts, but he couldn’t send anymore.

And he couldn’t track me or find me.

Or hurt me.

Tears stung my eyes again, for an entirely different reason.

I stood up quickly, striding toward a massive cliff off to the side of my bench. My hair blew around my face, still slightly damp from the drizzle back on Earth, but I paid it no attention.

I wasfree.

And I was getting rid of that damn phone.

The toes of my black high-tops dug into the smooth stone as I reached the ledge. There was probably an insane gleam in my eyes, but I didn’t care.

I’d embrace the hell out of the insanity if it meant I was safe, or at the very least, free.
