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Rory tookmy hand and let me help her out of my den, dressed in my shirt instead of her own. Her bodysuit had gone back on, but it didn’t have nearly as much hair on it as her shirt had.

She flashed me a smile as she straightened and looked around.

Veil, the light in her eyes made me really damn certain fate had chosen correctly.

“Thanks for the haircut, and everything else.”

“Any time.” I lifted her hand to my lips, pressing a kiss to the backs of her fingers.

“Would you mind helping me find the other women? I think Ezra said something about a shop they were working on.”

“Of course.” I released her hand, and after a moment’s hesitation, she wrapped it around my arm and stepped up to my side.

Pride swelled in my chest as we walked through the pack’s land, neither of us in a hurry. “What did you like to do on Earth?”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve had a hobby,” she admitted. “Keeping Allen from losing his shit felt like a second full-time job, and I worked sixty hours at the hospital every week just to stay away from him. So, there wasn’t time for anything else. When I really needed a break, I liked to go for walks outside. The fresh air always felt good, and helped me think more clearly.”

I nodded. “You’ll like running in your wolf form, then.”

“I hope so.” She gave me another smile, her expression much lighter and happier than it had been before she let me pleasure her. Though I wouldn’t say it aloud, I was certain my attention had lifted her spirit and made her a little more comfortable in Evare.

Veil, I hoped she’d let me continue to take care of her that way.

“What do you do for fun?” she asked me.

“Fun has been relative for a long time. All of my energy went into keeping the pack together before Serae brought Ezra here. After the first two women arrived without warning, I moved to the Woods and spent all my time there.”

“So we’re both terrible at having fun.”

“Sounds like it,” I agreed, my lips curving slightly.

“We’ll have to fix that. I’ll ask the other girls what there is to do for fun here, and then we can make a list.”

My lips curved further. “Alright.”

“You’ll do the things with me, even if they’re weird?” she checked, looking over at me.

“Not much is weird when you’re an ancient shifter, Aurora.”

She smiled. “Good point. What is this shop they’re working on?”

I gave her a quick description of the place that would be the grocery store, and what the other women were doing. We had tried to keep them out of our construction efforts at first, but Ezra said they needed something to focus on, so we’d backed off. Now, Ezra and Ivaylo worked with whichever women wanted to be involved on the interior, including polishing the stone, building the furniture, and decorating.

We hadn’t bothered decorating much in centuries, so that bit was the strangest for us males.

Aurora grew excited when I explained the project, and by the time we reached the shop, she was nearly bouncing with energy. Ezra, Ivaylo, Riley, and Jill were all working inside, with Ivaylo giving the instructions.

The other men and I knew how completely obsessed our alpha was with his mate. We’d seen then together long enough that having him around our females didn’t worry any of us.

“Hey, Rory!” Ezra flashed her a grin, and the other women did too. “You look better.”

“Amarok fixed my hair.” She fluffed the damp strands with her hand, and Ezra’s grin widened.

“That’s not what I was talking about, but it looks good too.”

My mate’s face flushed, and I ran my hand over hers, where she rested it on my arm. “I’ll be outside if you need me. We’re clearing out another den right now.”
