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My eyes widened in horror as he stood in front of me.

He was completely naked, glowing the same gold as his eyes, and hugeeverywhere.

His light skin was absolutely covered in black and gray tattoos, and the muscles on him were outrageously large. His shaggy black curls would’ve been considered attractive by most women, but I no longer allowed myself to be attracted to dangerous men.

Or any men, really.

Or any women, for that matter.

Love and attraction were clearly not compatible with me.

Especially as they applied to a man who could kill me with his bare hands, without breaking a sweat.

A soft whimper escaped me when his eyes caught mine.

He looked me up and down slowly, then gave a terrifying rumble, and prowled toward me.

“Don’t hurt me,” I whispered. “Please, don’t hurt me.”

He covered the distance between us, and then stopped just a breath in front of me. He was at least a foot and a half taller than my 5’0”, so I didn’t think he’d even need tohurtme. He could just squash me like a bug.

My chest rose and fell rapidly as he reached for me, and I squeezed my eyes shut against the fear.

Instead of causing me pain, his fingers caught the hood of my sweatshirt, and pushed it away from my face.

Then, his palms landed lightly on my shoulders.

So much more lightly than I expected.

A savage snarl escaped him, and I tensed in response.

But he only demanded, “Who hurt you?”



I couldn’t stop myself from peeking my eyes open just a little.

“Who touched you, female? They left bruises on your skin,” he nearly roared.

He was very near to yelling at me, but for some reason, my fear was fading away.

Maybe because he was angry that I’d been hurt.

That was a green flag, right?

Or was I being color-blind again?

Gah, I didn’t know.

His hands cupped my cheeks, the gold in his eyes having faded just a little. Despite the shock of his touch, having his hands on my skin sort of… relaxed me. “Who?”

“My fiancé,” I whispered. “Allen.”

“Tell me where to find him so I can end his life,” the man commanded.

It was probably a bad thing to admit, but my heart melted just slightly at his words. “He’s on Earth. I don’t know how you’d find him.”
