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His smile vanished. “Of course not. You’d be free to live your life, Rory—but we’re fated. To me, that means we vowed to stay together in a life before this one. You were mine, and I was yours. I will do whatever it takes to prove my worthiness to you.”

The lump in my throat didn’t budge, and I had no idea how to reply. So, I just nodded.

He was definitely possessive.

Definitely controlling, too.

There wasn’t a chance in hell I could let myself feel anything more than the mild attraction I currently felt for Amarok.

At least he had warned me—even if he didn’t realize that was what he’d done.

“It would be good to stop and shower,” I added, when I realized I hadn’t really said what I preferred. “Can we stop for just the night with the loud pack so we can shower? Without making friends or anything?”

“Of course.” He dipped his head. “Ready to start moving?”


I was nowhere near ready to get going.

But there wasn’t another option, was there?

So, I forced a tiny smile. “Yes.”

He didn’t look convinced, but didn’t call me on the lie. “I can speak into your mind because of our bond, so don’t be scared when you hear me in your head.”

I blinked.

That was unexpected.

He shifted forms smoothly, and my eyes widened at the sight of him.

The wolf was massive. Absolutely, insanely massive. His head was level with mine, and his fur was the darkest shade of black I had ever seen. He would blend into the shadows, especially among the black trunks of the trees around us. He was still glowing gold, thankfully, so he couldn’t hide from me.

He could eat me for dinner if he decided to.

And I was supposed to ride on his back?


Someone should’ve warned me. Someone other than Serae, because she was absolutely terrible at warnings.

“Don’t be alarmed,”his smooth voice said into my mind.

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest, so yeah,not being alarmedwasn’t an option.

“How do I get on your back?” I asked him, ignoring my pounding heart.

He sat down on the ground, his belly against the smooth stone of the mountains he had called the Fractured Peaks.

That made climbing on easy.

I slipped a leg over his back, sitting down near his neck and leaning closer without touching him.

“Hold on to me, Rory. I don’t want you falling and hurting yourself when we move,”he warned.


He was going to run.
