Page 14 of Inheritance

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“I certainly didn’t lie.” He shut the door with a snap. “I told him you’d called off the wedding. You were upset and stressed.”

“You failed to mention why.”

He had the grace—or the wit, she thought—to look shamed and sorrowful.

“Listen, Sonya, nobody feels worse about what happened than I do. I made a terrible mistake, and I hurt you. I was weak, stupid. I panicked.”

She smiled, oh so pleasantly. “I thought you slipped.”

“Please.” He reached for her again.

“Touch me, and you’ll be up on charges of harassment and inappropriate behavior in the workplace. Try it and see.”

“I know you’re hurt, you’re angry. You have every right to be. What I did… a moment’s weakness. That panic. The wedding, all the details, the decisions, it all started to weigh on me, and I panicked. Then Tracie shows up, and she, well, she came on to me. Hard. And I… I just gave in.”

He pressed a hand to his heart. “I’m begging you to forgive me. To give me another chance to prove to you how much you mean to me.”

“You slipped, you panicked, you gave in. And had sex with my cousin in the bed we shared while I was out picking up the proof for our wedding invitations. And I only know you had sex with my cousin in the bed we shared because I canceled the appointment with the wedding florist.”

“It was a horrible mistake, sweetheart. I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Please forgive me. It was one horrible mistake. She means nothing to me. You mean everything. It was just sex.”

She looked at him, really looked, and saw so far beyond the golden good looks. And because she saw the cheat, the liar, it made her a little sick all over again.

“I’m amazed you think this could work. I’m amazed you think I’m just that stupid.”

“I’m asking for forgiveness.” Shame and sorrow made a quick turn into indignant.

“How can you be so cold, so unforgiving? You sent your mother to Jerry’s, for God’s sake, with all my belongings. You put my things in trash bags, like we had nothing together.”

“I ran out of boxes and suitcases.”

“You went running to your mother with our personal business. That’s pathetic.”

“No, actually, Tracie went running to hers—who happens to be my mother’s sister. But regardless, you got your things back, and we’re done.”

“It’s no wonder I gave in to someone warm, someone passionate when you’re so fucking cold.”

“Lucky escape for both of us then, isn’t it? Going forward, since you tried your end run with Matt, I’ve told them all of it. Not my intention, which was to simply let them know I’d called off the wedding.But I refuse to let you dump this on me. I’ve given my word I’ll behave professionally with you, and they expect you to do the same.”

Indignation snapped back, of the righteous sort.

“You couldn’t wait to smear me to the bosses. I was human. Tracie ambushed me, she was all over me, and I was human.”

“That one time? How about the Saturday before? Or two weeks before that? Was it just being human when the two of you romped around naked then, too?”

“Youspiedon me? That’s how you handle problems, issues? By spying on me? That’s contemptible.”

“I didn’t have to. You and Tracie didn’t cover your tracks very well. We’re done. I just want to get on with my life, and I suggest you get on with yours.”

“If you think you’ll get away with spreading this around the company—”

“I don’t intend to talk about any of this. Your mileage may vary. I’ve canceled the venue, the band, and so on. All of it. I’ll send you a bill for half the nonrefundable deposits.”

“Good luck getting a dime out of me.”

“I figured that. I’ll just write it off as a bad investment. Now get out of my way. I’m going to work.”

“You’re not wearing the ring I put on your finger. I want it back.”
