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Fifteen minutes later I’m not so sure. I growl and rub my back again, fidgeting restlessly. My stomach hurts and then I feel an awful pressure.

“Oh my god, that hurts,” I mutter under my breath.

“What?!” Trace pops up behind me.

“My stomach hurts.”

“Like you’re in labor?” Fear flashes across his green eyes.

“No,” I huff. “It’s just a stomachache.”

But I continue to feel the pain in my back and stomach and then I stand up to walk around. After a minute, I groan and bend over then stare in horror as a whoosh of water dribbles down my legs.

“Ummm. Trace? I think my water just broke.”

“What? Oh my god! Get the bag, get the car. Where’s the car seat? Is it in there?” Trace runs back and forth and I just stand and stare at him as he very obviously loses his mind.

“Trace? Yoohoo!” As soon as he looks up at me, I smile and pat my belly. “Remember me? The mother of your child? We need to go to the hospital.”

“Right, right. I’ll get the car. Wait! I’ll get the bag.”

“Bag then car. For heaven’s sake.” He staggers off and I’m two seconds from just driving myself to the hospital when he finally manages to pull himself together and grab what we need.

“Should I drive?” I ask him. He eyes me and then shakes his head. “I can do this.”

“Right.” Trace breaks all land speed records to get me to the hospital before I have this baby right in the car.

We pull up to the front and he groans when he sees how busy the waiting room is. “Just go and park the car. I’ve got this.”

I stagger inside, holding my belly and leaking across the floor. “I’m in labor and my husband is about to come through that door and be a complete lunatic.”

The nurse chuckles. “First baby?”


“Okay. Have you already got your paperwork in?”

“Yes. Our doctor, Dr. Hunter has it all.”

“Terrific. Let’s get you upstairs to a room.”

I get into the wheelchair and let them wheel me across the room, my bag on my belly.

Trace screams as soon as he hits the door. “Where’s my wife? She’s having a baby! Help!”

“Oh my god,” I mutter, sinking down into the seat. The male nurse grins and waves an arm at my crazy husband.

“Over here.”

Trace comes running up, wild-eyed and completely off his rocker. “Is she…?”

“I’m right here, Trace. And I still look like a beach ball so how would I have given birth already?”

His face scrunches up but we just get in the elevator and I focus on bringing my beautiful baby boy into the world and trying to keep his daddy from losing what’s left of his senses.

We get upstairs to a room and the nurse helps me to stand up, sighing when Trace glares at him.

“Don’t you dare,” I grumble. Then I bend double when a huge wave of pain crashes over me, my stomach tensing up so much that it feels like it’s as hard as a rock.
