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"Are you comfortable with this being just the two of us?" he asks. "It looks like it's going to rain soon, and I'd rather not leave the equipment out here."

I glance at the sky and then over at Gabby, who is taking down the lights. My stomach turns a somersault at the thought of being alone with Sage. He's already got me all twisted into knots and turned upside down. But I don't want him to risk his equipment. It's not cheap.

"That's fine," I say, praying I can keep it together long enough to get through the rest of this shoot without embarrassing myself.

"Relax," Sage says an hour later, stalking around the hotel room like a caged lion.

I inhale a deep breath and then slowly exhale, trying to follow that command. It's impossible though. There's a bed right behind him, and I can't seem to forget that long enough to relax into the pose. Every time I think I've got it under control, he shifts slightly, and the bed comes blazing back into focus.

My stomach flips and my nerves start clamoring all over again every single time.

"Turn to the left," he says. As soon as I move, he sighs. "Left, baby girl. Not right."

"Sorry," I whisper, my face flaming. I quickly move to the left, only to list sideways. Reaching out, I grab the back of the chaise just before I land on my ass in the floor.

"Shit," Sage says, lowering the camera. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," I whisper and then exhale a breath. This has turned into a train wreck. He probably thinks I'm a complete disaster. "I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing."


He stalks across the room toward me, a deep groove in his forehead from him frowning so hard. "Am I making you uncomfortable, Trinity?"

"No, I…" I trail off with a shake of my head. "No."

He eyes me for a minute, his lips pursed. "You're nervous. Why?"

"I haven't modeled in a long time," I remind him. "I'm just rusty."

He cocks a brow at me, clearly not buying my excuse. "Bullshit. You could be out of the game for half a century and still be a natural. You move like a dream," he says. "Being alone with me makes you nervous."


"I'm just not sure if it's because I make you uncomfortable or if it's because you're attracted to me," he murmurs before I can utter a denial. "If it's the former, I'll get Gabby in here so you're able to relax. I don't want you feeling anxious around me."

I inhale a deep breath, reaching for a little courage. "And if it's the latter?"

"And if it's the latter," he says, squatting down beside the chaise so we're eye level, "I'll tell you that you aren't the only one, we'll finish this shoot, and then I'll ask you out to dinner." He holds up a hand, halting me before I can respond. "But I promised myself to behave during this shoot, so I'm trying like hell to honor that promise."

"Oh," I whisper, disappointment flowing through me. The way he says it makes me think he's done this before. I don't like the way that feels. It's like a thorn stabbing me right through the heart. I've never felt this way before, and I guess I just expected that he hadn't ever felt it before either. But who am I kidding? He's older, gorgeous, and spends his days with some of the most beautiful women on the planet. He's probably been with a million women.

"What's that look?" he demands, reaching out to turn my face toward him. He's scowling, his eyes narrowed like he wants to fight whatever upset me. Which is honestly kind of sweet but only makes me feel like an even bigger dork.

"Nothing," I say, shaking my head. "Nothing. I'm just being crazy. Let's just finish this."


"No?" I blink at him.

"Not until you tell me what you were just thinking about," he says.

"It was nothing," I say, willing him to believe it.

He holds my gaze, silently commanding me to tell him. I try to resist, really, I do. But it's virtually impossible when he's so close I can smell his intoxicating scent and see the flecks of gold in his eyes. When I feel the heat of his big body calling to me. Everything about him makes me want to obey, just to make him call me a good girl again.

Why is that so sexy to me?
