Page 119 of Royally Cursed

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“You know what I mean,” I said, entirely flustered. I was getting braver, but it didn’t mean I was ready to just blurt out instructions. Some part of me still felt that admitting what I wanted would just make it much easier to take away.

“I want you to say it to me. Out loud.” His lips just barely touched mine and still brushed sensitive skin with every syllable. It made me want to crash my lips into his again and again, to bite his lower one and pull at it. To be wild, to draw blood, and everything else a wolf would want.

But I couldn’t have anything unless I said what I wanted, and it seemed so strangely intimidating.

“Please,” I whispered, drawing up the same bravado I had telling him I wanted his dick in my mouth. “Please touch me.”

“That’s my girl,” he rumbled, but still, his fingers didn’t slide where I wanted them to. “But I’ll do you one better.”

At that, he shifted position, his broad, blunt head pressing into my soaked entrance. It felt impossibly thick, impossible for my body to accept, even though he’d been inside me several times.

“Breathe, baby girl. I’ve got you.”

Kai’s words startled me, and I looked up into those umber eyes of his, only to be overwhelmed by the sheer emotion within his gaze. Even without our bond, the look in his eyes said everything I needed to know about how he felt sliding into me. Lust, awe, fondness, dominance: it all mixed together in an expression which made my heart stutter in my chest.

In a blink of an eye, he was inside of me. The stretch of it was wonderful, perfect even, though I knew it was a lofty term to use.

“There you go. Look at that. You were made for this, baby girl.” At that, he pulled out, then slid back in again as I yielded to him without so much as missing a beat. The mew I let out in response would have been embarrassing if I had any shame left, but I didn’t. The only thing I had room for was all the incredible feelings and sensations Kai brought out of me.

Time fell away as he thrust into me, my legs and arms wrapping around his muscled form. The urge to bury my teeth in his mating gland came back, but I forced myself to resist. I knew I wasn’t ready to complete our bond, and it would complicate our crown prince’s life if he showed up at the capital with someone’s mating scar on him.

So, I kept my teeth to myself and instead concentrated on the pleasure consuming me. It built and built upon itself, quickly becoming a resplendent crescendo that had me curling my toes and arching up against Kai.

“Oh, my gods, oh mygods!” I cried out, no other words coming to me. Pure elation radiated through, flinging me over the edge of my orgasm with no safety rope.

I didn’t want to be safe. I wanted to burn every aspect of the moment into my memory to cherish later when I finally sank back down to reality.

It was while I was still flying that I felt Kai reach his own climax, his grip tightening, and his thrusts losing their rhythm as they stuttered wildly. His pleasure just enhanced my own, making it last so much longer.

After what felt like an impossibly long while, we both collapsed into a sweaty pile, limbs intertwined as we caught our breath.

“Still want to leave my bed?” Kai teased once we were both capable of human speech.

“I guess you’ve convinced me to stay a bit longer,” I said, snuggling into him.

I felt so content, but then my mind reminded me that the peace between us was temporary. I seriously doubted Kai’s duke of an uncle would allow him to continue acting as “Captain Reed” without returning to the capital and explaining everything to his father.

The king.

The actual, literal king of the country.

I shook my head sleepily, thoughts turning sluggish as the adrenaline of our lovemaking slowly wore off. It was still insane to me I was lying in bed with Camdaria’s crown prince. My fated mate was quite literally royalty. Life had a strange sense of humor when it came to our match, unless there was some common thread between an orphan nobody who was cursed their entire lives and had all the social skills of a rusty boot, and a handsome, charming, all around charismatic royal family member.

Oh, well. No use in making sense of it. No matter how odd our coupling was, there was no denying we were fated mates. We would always be, even if we had to pretend we weren’t in public, and even if Kai’s uncle dragged him to our capital, Merrik.

Hopefully, though, it wouldn’t come to that.

Chapter 2


I woke up feeling quite satisfied, like I’d had a brilliant night. As my eyes opened to reveal both the sun had risen, and Ayla, my beautiful, sweet Ayla, was still in my bed, I remembered I had had a good night indeed.

She looked so cute when she stirred slightly, lashes casting shadows over her cheeks, a tiny dusting of freckles over her pale skin. That such a guarded, tough woman trusted me with seeing her so vulnerable felt like a profound trust. Not just making love, but staying in my arms all night, snuggling up to me like we were meant to be.

It was good she finally seemed to be accepting it. If we had to have another talk about martyring and sealing herself away from everyone so the curse wouldn’t claim any more victims, I’d scream.

“Hey there,” I murmured as those beautiful eyes of hers slowly cracked open and she looked up at me with a lazy smile. “Is this the part where I cook you breakfast?”
