Page 127 of Royally Cursed

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“Oh, good. I’ll be honest, I didn’t really want ye going far away. Worried the moment you’re out of hearing range, all of them will code at once.”

I chuckled lightly. That was a pretty common fear for any healer or solo shifter after such an intense battle.

“If you want, I can catch a runner and relay your order?”

The older man let out a happy sigh. “Bless you, that’d be perfect. I wouldn’t mind some of the innervating tea they serve with honey, any red protein, whatever veg they have, and then please, for the love of all gods and ancestors, somecarbs.”

I found myself laughing lightly again. Who knew Mikhailov was such a character? I’d avoided talking to him except whenever was necessary, but I’d have thought I’d at least have noticed how…adorable he was.

“I can do that for you. Just give me a few minutes.”

“Take whatever time you need. I feel better knowing if I shout, you can come running.”

Would it be so bad if I was a little friendlier with my coworker? Although I’d never had grandparents, he made me think he’d be a good one.

I caught that thought as soon as it entered my head and clamped down on it.No.I couldn’t entertain the notion, even. I’d partially given into Kai, my fated mate, but it didn’t mean I could shut down all my defenses. I was a danger to everyone around me, and I needed to fucking remember that.

Thankfully, I was able to school my expression into a generic smile. “Don’t worry, if you need me, I’ll be there.”

I ducked out, intending to head over to a balcony I knew was close enough, so I’d be able to hear Mikhailov with my shifter enhanced senses while keeping my eyes open for a runner.

Thankfully, I spotted one within a couple of minutes, relaying the other healer’s order, as well as a request for whatever standard meal could be prepared. I felt like throwing myself into work until I was on the verge of collapse, but I did really need to take care of my body. There was no telling when there’d be another attack, and if I did end up going to the capital, I needed to be strong in mind, magic, and body.

Afterward, I picked up the pace, and as soon as I felt real sunlight and air on my face, I let out a long sigh. My life was rapidly shifting, and although some parts were quite lovely, it felt like there was no solid ground beneath my feet.

If I did end up having to go to the capital? Well, that felt like straight up quicksand pouring in around me, threatening to swallow me up into a world I just didn’t know. In my entire life, I’d never been in such a populated place, and while the idea was truly terrifying, it made me more determined than ever to create the strongest veiling spell possible.

I just needed to figure out exactly how.

“Ah, there you are!”

I wasn’t surprised to hear Darla’s voice behind me. She was fairly busy helping soldiers with counseling after the battle—a great use for her mind reading skills—but I knew she wouldn’t miss out on checking with everyone close to her because, despite my concentrated efforts, I was one of those people, and that wasn’t changing anytime soon.

Hmm. Darla, Kai. With more people getting through my defenses, did this weaken the curse or strengthen it? I didn’t know, but I decided to keep track. Who knew? Maybe it would help me figure out how to break it.

“Hey, Darla. How’s counseling going?”

“Surprisingly well. It turns out a decided victory goes a long way toward morale and makes soldiers feel less like their sacrifices were worthless.”

“Yeah, I can see how that checks out.”

Darla came to stand beside me and took a deep breath. Although the air smelled faintly of brimstone and magic leftover from the battle, it was still quite refreshing after being cooped up inside for so long.

“How are you, my prickly little healer? How’s living with your new reputation for saving the entire fort?”

“I didn’t save the entire fort,” I said sharply.

“Uh-huh, sure.” I started to roll my eyes but stopped abruptly with Darla’s next words. “You know you’ve broken our charming captain, right?”

My heart jolted in my chest, my whole field of vision narrowing down to a small pinprick of light. Was I having a stroke?

My curse had gotten to Kai, I knew it. Iknewit. I was insane to listen to Kai’s insistence we’d be okay. Of course, he would say that; he was my fated mate! I’d been selfish and risked his life because of my own greed. I- I- I…

“Whoa, whoa, Ayla, calm down there. You look like you’re about to have a heart attack.”

Did I? Well, maybe I was. It totally felt like it.

Thankfully, Darla kept right on going. “I was just being cheeky. I meant I’ve never seen Kai walk around so incredibly cheery. I even heard him whistling.”
