Page 129 of Royally Cursed

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“Hah, all right, then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow. Be safe now, Everton.”

“You too, Mikhailov.”

With that, I took my leave. Normally, I’d go straight to my quarters, but I had lemon squares to score.

I headed toward Darla’s office. She didn’t have a large one considering she didn’t always do counseling, but it was big enough to fit her, a desk, a bookshelf, and one other person without feeling cramped. I’d never been there in person, but I knew where it was. I did try to find out where all of our officers’ quarters were in case of emergency.

Well, lemon squares weren’t exactly anemergency, but they were important. With a bit more pep in my step than I usually had, I made it to her door and knocked.

“Come in!” her voice called, pleasant but much more professional than when we usually talked.

Opening the door, I stepped inside, shoulders squared, just like those delicious, lemony treats, soon to be mine.

“Ayla,” Darla said, eyes wide. “What’s this? Did you leave the infirmary of your own accord?Early?”

“That I did. I believe I am owed tasty confections.”

“Hold on, I need to check I’m still in the same reality. One can never be too careful.”

“You can check after giving me the lemon squares you promised.”

Darla laughed as she stood from behind her small desk. “Hah, if I knew all it took was some citrus and shortbread to get you to stick to healthier hours, I’d have commissioned a local bakery to keep me in supply of these all the time. Although, I supposed it wouldn’t work as well during the winter. I know they ship their lemons in from the tropical coast, but it’s hard for stuff to get all the way out here during the harsher snows.” She let out a hum as she moved past me to the door. “I suppose they’ve got enough strawberries and rhubarb locally here to keep you in supply, though. Is this something that could coax you out of your healing hyperfocus?”

I froze right then and there, remembering the strawberry rhubarb crumbles some of my aunties at the coven used to make. Between those and the ground cherry jams, I sorely missed the tart and wonderful favors.

“Okay,” Darla laughed as she exited, ushering me out. “Your interest is duly noted. Prepare for a future of bribery via lots of desserts.”

“You keep mentioning desserts and yet there’s none here.”

“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so eager about food. If you want the lemon squares, you need to follow me. I left them in my quarters. Didn’t seem right to have them just sitting in front of all the soldiers I worked with today. Talk about taunting them.”

“Fair,” I said begrudgingly. I wouldn’t have appreciated it if I was working through any possible onset PTSD with a delicious treat just outside my reach. “Your consideration is appreciated, I’m sure.”

“Just remember this the next time you’re mad at me.”

“That depends on just how good these squares are.”

“Here I thought beggars couldn’t be choosers.”

We continued bantering back and forth, enjoying each other’s company as we strolled along. When we finally reached Darla’s quarters, she ducked inside, leaving me to wait for her in the hall. I wasn’t sure exactly why I didn’t follow her in—it just didn’t seem right. Maybe it was a level of familiarity I wasn’t really willing to cross in the vain hope it’d somehow give her a thin layer of protection from my curse.

She wasn’t out long, so it wasn’t like I had time to contemplate things. “So, do you want to go eat these in your room or at the caf?”

“How about neither?” I said.

“Oh, do you have another idea?”

I nodded. “I need to gather some supplies. Want to come with me and we can have a pseudo-picnic?” It was probably one of the least soldier-like things I could suggest, but the idea was more than a bit appealing. Though te sun was about to set, we’d be able to soak up some of the fading rays while eating a sweet, tart treat,andbeing productive. Really the best of all worlds.

“Hah, it’s just about the last thing I expected you to offer after a huge battle, but you know what? I’m game.”

“Perfect. Do you want to grab a blanket? I’m thinking of going to the herb garden we set up in the western quarter. The eastern and northern ones are pretty strapped from the first battle before our trek.”

“Yeah, I have a spare. Here, you hold this basket, and I’ll grab it.” She hurried to do as she said, pausing at the last minute. “You’d better not eat any of those without me!”

I took my hand out of the basket and gave her the most innocent look I could through my lashes. “Why, Darla, I wouldn’t think of it.”
