Page 161 of Royally Cursed

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My mother frowned, straightening away from me. “It seems your time running around in the military has muddled your manners.” I’d irritated her, but I didn’t feel bad about it. It was a valid question considering...

“I remember the first time you shifted, you know,” she said wistfully. “You were such a rambunctious little pup. I do miss those days.”

“What’s to miss?” My uncle cut in, his conversation about the Isle apparently not enough to keep his attention. “He’s still a rambunctious pup.”

“Speaking of pups,” the king said. “Since your stint of overdramatically running away is over, perhaps it is time to finally focus on your duty to the crown.”

Once more, I knew exactly where he was going, and I wanted nothing to do with it. “I’m going back,” I said firmly. “I still have more to do to properly serve our people. I do not expect to be here long.”

“Is that so?” my father asked in a tone suggesting he thought otherwise. He couldtry,that was for certain, but I refused to be a prisoner of the crown.

“I’d think he’d be more eager to spend time with his intended mate. Miss Felicity Rathson isn’t getting any younger, you know. Perhaps you just need to meet with her again to remember her…charm.”

Somehow, I managed not to bare my teeth at my uncle, but it was close. I wanted to rip his throat out at his disrespect for Ayla, even if he didn’t know she was my true fated mate.

“I mean, I’m sure you’ve had your fun with those military trollops and barracks bunnies, but it’s time to settle down. You know… ensure the royal line.”

Bullshit. My uncle had hooks in Felicity’s family, and he wanted her to be my mate so he could further influence the crown for his own gain. Neither my father nor I were idiots.

“I fear my journey has taken a lot out of me,” I said finally. “I am going to return to my quarters to rest, and I look forward to speaking to you on the morrow.”

I rose, despite my mother’s protests, and headed toward the door. But I didn’t get far before my father called after me.

“Yes, Your Majesty?” I didn’t turn back.

“Keep in mind there will be no talk of the war in the palace. Make sure all of your men understand this peacekeeping rule.”


I hurried outside, anxious to see Ayla but knowing I needed to wait. The earliest I could was the next day, after the dust settled and there were slightly fewer eyes on us.

It was going to be a long night.

Chapter 9


I woke to a knock on my door and yawned, then looked at the clock beside my massive bed, surprised to see it was well past sunup. I hadn’t meant to sleep in, but it was clear I’d needed the rest.

A knock sounded again, and I realized there was someone at the door. Clambering down out of the oversized bed, I reached the door to see more servants there, their carts at the ready.

“Breakfast for you, ma’am.”

“Oh…” They’d brought food the night before, but I’d assumed it was a special thing to greet us and not with every meal. Was this normal in the palace, or were we getting special treatment?

I thanked them and let them come in and set everything out on my table while I went to the bathroom attached to my suite and changed back into my spare healer’s uniform. I supposed it would’ve made more sense to switch into civilian clothing, but I didn’t really have any.

The servants were gone before I changed, and if it weren’t for the delicious fare sitting out, I’d have thought I’d dreamed up their arrival.

But for some strange reason, looking at the table loaded up with so much food, yet two empty chairs, made me feel lonely,which was ridiculous. I was used to eating alone. I wanted to be alone. Hadn’t I begged everyone to give me space?

Ugh, I really was a mess.

However, before I could sit down, yet another knock sounded at the door. I didn’t think I needed one iota more of food, but I opened it anyway.

It wasn’t servants with shining carts, however. Instead, it was Mad Dog and Darla, their arms loaded with plates.

“Hey there,” the psychic said brightly. “Thought we could all have breakfast together.”
