Page 179 of Royally Cursed

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“Do you have an idea when that will be?”

“Hopefully within a week or two, but I’ll send word. Trust me. Now, if you don’t mind, my lovely here will see you out while I get to work.”

“Of course, Enchantress,” Kai said, giving her his own bow, and while I wasn’t really up to date on court politics, the gestureappeared significant. Yvonne’s grin certainly made it seem that way. “We thank you again for everything.”

“Anything for Camdaria.”

I bowed, too, as it seemed right, then Kai and I headed out to where Oren was still waiting by the car. But I smiled as we walked, feeling like the tides were finally changing.

For the moment, Kai was safe. That in and of itself was priceless.

Chapter 12


Ayla seemed happier than she’d been in ages when we rode to the palace, a small grin about her features, and her leg bouncing slightly. I was a bit disappointed no progress had been made with her actual curse, but she seemed plenty thrilled about the protection spells I received.

I’d thought being in enchanting circles would be boring, much as standing within Ayla’s circle was back when she was doing the veiling spell, but this was somewhat... pleasant?

Sometimes it felt like someone I admired gently patted me on the back, others a cool, refreshing breeze blew in my face. Sometimes I was just really confident and pleased with myself.

I supposed those were the blessings protecting me from Ayla’s curse, but I’d been so eager for my mate to get her turn, I hadn’t really paid as much attention to them as I should have.

“It’s nice to know I won’t be a danger to you anymore,” Ayla said as I put the pieces of my disguise back on. I’d taken them off before we’d gotten out of the car, but I wanted it for our short jaunt back to the wing. I hoped if anyone paid attention to us, they’d just assume I was a lowly guard escorting a healer not used to palace life.

I was probably going to need to put together another identity if I didn’t want people to pick up on the random guard schtick, but it could wait for another day. At the moment, I was just happy to spend time with Ayla without getting pushed away.

It seemed like she wasn’t interested in doing a song and dance now that Yvonne’s magic shielded me from her. My mate was leaning into my side, her pheromones filling the back of the car. I glanced at the front seat to see if Oren noticed, but he just responded by rolling up the window partition.

That was an answer of sorts. It made me chuckle, and Ayla gave me a curious look, but I just shook my head.

“Do you think anyone else noticed we’re gone?” she murmured, resting her head against my shoulder.

I gently stroked her arm, letting my fingertips trail across the soft, enticing surface. It was so nice to just tenderly touch her, let my digits caress her skin, like I’d always wanted to.

I licked my lips, my mind listing off all the things we could do, all the things we’d put off. They started innocently enough, like watching a movie together and holding hands, our fingers intertwined, but that quickly moved to bending her over the vanity in my quarters, showing just how much I missed her.

I knew my pheromones spiked when she let out a little gasp, one that ran through my brain like a sprinter with a torch. Her head, resting so gently on me, turned slightly so she could press her lips to the side of my neck.

It was a featherlight touch, her lips barely there, but enough to make me hard as nails.

Fuck, I went from zero to nearly a hundred with desire, the feeling flooding my senses. It was safe to say I was eager to get her home.

“We’re gonna need to get our act together,” I murmured heatedly to her. “At least for the ten minutes it’ll take to get you to my quarters and rip every item of clothing off.”

Her breath hitched again, and Ilovedthat sound, loved how her bright eyes dilated, her body reacting to me so visibly. It really was like a weight was lifted, allowing us to be the most “normal” we’d ever been.

Oren, ever the best friend, drove a bit faster than was probably legal, which wasn’t a great idea, but I couldn’t complain.

Once we were at the palace, Ayla and I hurried inside. We both tried to appear nonchalant, just weary about our long day and eager to get to our rooms. We’d long since missed dinner, but I wasn’t worried as I knew I could order food to my room whenever I wanted.

What I wanted most at that moment was my mate.

Thankfully, no one stopped us or even spared a second look once we made it back. I was thrilled, and the two of us hurried into the door separating all of my rooms from the rest of the palace before beelining straight for my quarters.

As soon as the entrance closed, I was on her, pulling her into a heated kiss. I was so hard I wouldn’t have been surprised if I ended up with a zipper print along my length.

“The things I want to do to you,” I all but growled to Ayla, corralling her into my room before pulling her into another kiss. This time we didn’t have to worry about pheromones or an audience. We could get lost in each other, exactly as we wanted to.
