Page 180 of Royally Cursed

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“Oh yeah?” she said, breathless when we pulled apart. “You sure a prince should be fooling around with a commoner such as myself?”

Her words were teasing, but they made a fire ignite in my belly. My inner wolfloved itwhen our mate was playful with us. He simultaneously wanted to mount and take her so hard she forgot her own name, and to tickle her until she laughed herselfsilly. That was a new one for me, probably because we’d never really had a chance to justbesilly together.

Maybe another time, though. As appealing as it was to have her red-cheeked and breathless from glee, I wanted to leave her panting for an entirely different reason.

I guided her backward to the bed while our lips met. It was tempting to bend her over the closest hard surface after so long apart, but I wanted her to have something soft and comfortable below, especially since I fully planned to wear her out if I had my way.

Yes, that idea was delicious. I wanted her covered in sweat, panting, and walking a little crooked the next day. That last part was fairly hard to accomplish considering shifters’ natural healing abilities, but I could give it the old college try.

“Baby girl,” I murmured as the back of her legs brushed up on the end of my bed. “Prince or not, I’m going toruinyou.”

I didn’t think I’d ever get tired of how her breath hitched. It was just a little skip, but it spoke entire novels to me.

Reaching up toward her face again, I traced her outline, then pulled down on her lower lip with a drag of my thumb. I felt like I could just study her face for hours, taking in all its beauty, every micro-expression. But the expression I wanted to see on her the most was her losing all control, completely devoured by pleasure.

“Okay,” she whispered. Not exactly an elaborate turn of phrase, but an enthusiastic yes was an enthusiastic yes.

Then I kissed her again, pulling her flesh with me, hands gliding down her back. She moaned into my mouth, andfuckif the sound didn’t have my cock twitching, eager to get on with things. But I’d no desire to rush. I wanted to savor every moment we had together, especially if the curse was already burning through our protective wards.

Bunching my finger into the fabric of Ayla’s uniform, I stepped back enough to pull it over her head. I was tempted to rip it apart, but I knew she had limited uniforms, and I didn’t want her to be stranded here without them.

It took quite a bit of control, though. My inner wolf was on a lustful rampage, unchecked for the first time in a long while. It was like being in rut, the part of an alpha’s reproductive cycle when they were overtaken with the need tobreed, but not quite as unhinged.

I pushed her pants down, my thumbs catching on to her military-grade issued underwear. Bit by bit, she bared herself to me, perfect in her natural form.

“You’re gorgeous,” I whispered, throwing her underwear to the side and pulling her into yet another kiss. I was on the move as our mouths danced against each other, my hands sliding down her sides, only to lift her off her feet.

She wrapped her legs around my middle just as I’d hoped, and I lowered the two of us to the mattress. She clung to me with impressive strength for her slight frame, but I did press against her knees, forcing her legs open until she was pinned to the mattress like a butterfly.

She already was a work of art: pale skin, smooth lines, body hair like fine down, delicate. I knew all the ladies of the court constantly shaved all their bodies in the name of fashion, but it never made sense to me. We shifters had hair for a reason, and the carried scent was far more pleasant than the false perfumes and sprays nobles used.

As if to prove the point, I kissed my way down her body, between her breasts, and down to her stomach. I noticed it’d grown the tiniest bit softer, which pleased me to no end. I knew Ayla was the type to throw herself so deeply into her work that she forgot to feed herself, but it seemed a regular meal schedule was working wonders.

My wolf let out a rumble which thundered in our chest. I loved Ayla’s body however it presented itself, but my wolf adored the idea of her plump with pups, all round and spoiled in our den, never having to so much as lift a finger if she didn’t want to.

Ayla gasped again, and I nuzzled the soft, velvet skin beneath her navel, willing my length not to burst out of my pants. I could have just ripped them off, but something in me liked the disparity of her being completely bare before me while I was still in my guard uniform.

My mind starting zinging in a thousand different kinky directions. I’d never been vanilla, exactly, but Ayla and I didn’t have the chance to explore anything like that.

Things like roleplays, where I was a palace guard who caught her sneaking where she didn’t belong, punishing her for trespassing. Or perhaps she was extorting me, threatening my entire career with her friendship to our prince. Or what if we were strangers meeting after a drunken night?

I slid farther down her body, groaning, until I stepped off the mattress and knelt down on the floor. Gripping the same thighs I’d pinned down, I yanked her to the edge of the bed until her glistening center was right in front of my face.

“Oh gods, don’t stare at it,” she said, her cheeks a bright pink, just like her pussy. One of her hands came down to cover herself, but I caught it, my grip a bit tighter than necessary.

I could tell my pheromones were spiking, lust, dominance, and need pouring out of me. But Ayla didn’t seem scared by it, didn’t seem concerned. Instead, she let out a mew, the sound making me go practically feral.

“Fuck, you’re perfect,” I growled before beginning to kiss her curves.

Her thighs practically snapped closed around my head like a vise, so my hands returned to them, pinning them for the second time. She looked so utterly beautiful like that, spread out just forme. I wanted to stare, but I also wanted to eat her out until she screamed, then do it all over again.

I compromised by leaning forward and burying my face in her center.

Ayla and I hadn’t been sleeping together for long, but I’d learned what she liked and what she didn’t. I knew there was more, there always would be, but our bond really gave me a leg up, so to speak. I could quite literally feel when her pleasure built, when it waned, when Ayla was aroused, when something didn’t quite do it for her. I had the ultimate cheat sheet to her body, and I understood now why mated pairs always seemed so incredibly satisfied in the bedroom.

I worked her over, swallowing everything she could give. I knew some knotheads found it emasculating to go down on their partner, like it hurt their masculinity to devour pussy like a man starved, but not me. Nothing made me feel more powerful, more sexually accomplished, than my partner coming all over my face.

“Oh gods, Kai, I’m close. I’m close!” That just made me redouble my efforts, my fingers digging into her thighs in a way I knew would likely leave her dappled beautifully. “I’m close, I’m close, I’m close!”
