Page 9 of Royally Cursed

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Oh, no, was he being all charming and gracious with me? There was only so much a single woman could be expected to handle.

“Perhaps now is the time for one? Or should I finish getting naked?”

Was he teasing me? Or mocking me? I couldn’t tell, and I also didn’t know which answer would've been better. I was awash with hormones and desire, a potent combination when in the presence of my fated mate.

“I-I’m s-sorry for intruding. It r-really was uh…a mistake!” I was yammering, I knew that, yet it was like my mouth had completely cut off all communication from my brain to go on a solo joyride. “I have the i-i-ingredients I need now so I’ll, um, I’ll… I’ll just go.”

Dear lords and other ancestral spirits, I didn’t mean to mentally repeat myself, but I felt caught up in the dichotomy of wanting to reach out and feel him, to let his heat penetrate my palm until there was no telling where he stopped and I began, and the overwhelming urge to hide in my room. Alone.

Before I could beat a hasty retreat, though, Kai stepped into my path, blocking my quick egress.

“I should apologize,” he said, tone polite but serious. “That was inappropriate. I was trying to make light of the situation, but instead I seemed to have just made you more nervous.”

Ofcourse,he had to be so polite and considerate. It would be so much easier to shut off my feelings for him if he was an ass. But no, he had to berespectfuland treat me like anequal.

“I’m Captain Reed, although most call me Captain Kai so as not to confuse me with the dozen other Reeds at the fort.” That was true. Reed was an incredibly common name for all sorts of cryptids that came from the swamplands deep in the south. “I’ve heard of your incredible work from your superior officers, but it’s nice to finally meet you in person.”

He offered his hand, and I stared it down like it was a viper poised to strike. Once more, I was struck with the thought that if I touched him, I wouldn’t be able to help myself, and everything would come tumbling down around me.

But naturally he took my hesitance for reluctance, or perhaps even disgust. After a moment he took his hand back and jokingly wiped it on his uniform.

I was an absolute mess, but he was handling it with ease, which just made me more flustered. Iwantedto be a smooth, social creature, but my years of isolation didn’t help things.

“Anyway, I wanted to thank you for all of your hard work, Healer Everton. How long have you been at the fort, by the way?”

He knew my name?He knew my name?

I was so busy reeling from that little factoid that my mouth ran away on its own again. I really needed to get a handle on that before I got myself in trouble. One of my aunties taught me at the coven that it was better to remain silent and unknown than to wag your tongue into foolishness.

“I, uh, I’ve been here a few years now.”

“Ah, has it been that long?” Now I was doing mental cartwheels at the idea that not only did he know who I was, but he had a vague awareness of how long I’d been around.

I was elated at the acknowledgement. Ugh, I really was desperate, wasn’t I? Being a fated mate was so incrediblystupid.

“Look, I know you like to stick to yourself, and it’s perfectly within your right to do so, but I just want to make sure you’re comfortable at the base. You’re an incredible healer, and it’s not like we have an overwhelming number of witches in our employ. We’re lucky to have you around, you know?”

Did he have any idea of what he was doing to me? Each compliment out of his mouth was like a beautiful dagger stabbing me, making my heart break at the same time it swelled.

I had to cut him off. As much as I wanted to luxuriate in his lovely words, to let myself soak up his charm, I couldn’t risk it. I was already putting him in enough danger.

“I thank you for your kind words, Captain, but you are correct. I do prefer to be on my own. So, if you don’t mind, I'd prefer to be dismissed.”

I didn’t know how I sounded so flat and disinterested, but I was pretty proud of myself. No more stuttering, no more flaming cheeks. Just a calm mask, refusing to be impressed by the man who seemed genetically engineered to impress me.

I also didn’t miss how his demeanor changed entirely, his eyebrows rising to his hairline as his posture turned more alpha. Shoulders back, chest slightly out, he was posturing for sure.

I was flattered that I'd had such an effect on him.

“Return to the base, Healer Everton, and next time you decide to go off on your own after hours, bring someone with you like protocol states.”

Luckily, I was able to still my tongue before I retorted about healers being exempt from such protocol, but instead I just tipped my head in deference.

“Good night, Captain Kai. But perhaps if you are to lecture me on protocols, you should follow them yourself.”

Oh, that was cheeky, and Iknewit was, but my inner wolf was chomping at the bit to have any interaction with him. Was I a brat? I was beginning to feel like I might be. It was certainly something to learn about myself at twenty-two.

Somehow, I hurried off before he could reprimand me, eager to be back in my quarters. I was so flustered I didn’t even drop off my supplies in the infirmary, I just went straight to my room and practically slammed the door shut.
