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Chapter Ten

It was nearly 10pm by the time Eva unlocked her apartment door after closing up Sweet Delights for the night. Though she loved the hustle of the bakery during business hours, it sometimes left her feeling mentally and physically drained by day's end. A big, rush order had come in for a birthday cake. They'd paid extra and she hadn't wanted to turn it down. With Michael there they'd made it, but the long day had left her exhausted.

Kicking off her shoes with a weary sigh, Eva took a moment to stand still and release the tension from her shoulders.

After changing into a pair of soft leggings and an oversized sweater, Eva padded into the kitchen to scrounge up a quick dinner. She spotted the leftover Chinese food containers from the other night and decided that would do just fine for a low effort meal. Maybe, if she was still hungry later, she'd go out for a milkshake.

While waiting for the kung pao tofu to reheat in the microwave, Eva sank onto the couch and flipped on the TV, selecting a light romantic comedy she had seen before. The familiar plot and cheesy jokes were just what her tired mind needed.

Soon the aroma of reheated Chinese filled the small living room. Eva breathed deeply, grateful to have the night for indulging in some much needed TLC after her long day

Balancing the container of Chinese food on her lap, Eva tried to focus on the lighthearted rom-com playing on TV. But despite the predictable hijinks, her mind kept wandering elsewhere.

She took a bite of kung pao tofu, memories of nights curled up right here with Liz unexpectedly flooding back. They would chat and laugh about their days over takeout dinners, the familiar routine always comforting after busy hours at the bakery.

Eva shook her head, as if trying to physically displace the recollection. That life was over now. She couldn't change the past.

Intent on indulging in self-care tonight, Eva hit pause on the movie and headed to the bathroom to draw a warm, soothing bath. Liz had never understood her love of leisurely soaks, considering it a wasteful indulgence. But that criticism no longer mattered.

After tying up her hair and lighting a cinnamon-scented candle, Eva sank into the perfectly heated water with a satisfied sigh. The tension began melting from her muscles as she fully relaxed for the first time all day.

As Eva reclined in the steamy, fragrant bathwater, she felt the stress of the day dissipating with each passing minute. The flickering candle and stillness enveloped her senses, letting her mind unwind.

Liz's voice echoed faintly, chiding Eva for her "wasteful" baths. But Eva turned the criticism down, embracing this moment of self-care she had denied herself for too long.

She took her time soaking, occasionally trailing her fingers through the foam swirling on the water's surface. No rushing - simply allowing the water's warmth to wash away the strains of work and past heartache alike.

When her skin had soaked long enough, Eva lathered herself leisurely in honey body wash, taking pleasure in the sweet scent. She let suds trail down her limbs, rinsing away remnants of the day's labors. This bath was her well-deserved sanctuary.

As the water cooled, Eva finally stepped out, wrapping herself in a plush towel. After drying off, she smoothed on a hydrating overnight face mask and rubbed cocoa butter lotion into her skin.

Finally, she slipped on cozy pajamas and slid under the sheets, feeling genuinely relaxed and cared for.


Eva's alarm sounded at 3:30am, jolting her from sleep. Though early, she enjoyed having the bakery to herself in the quiet pre-dawn hours. This solitary time was peaceful, centering.

Brewing a strong cup of coffee to shake off any remaining drowsiness, Eva stood at the kitchen window gazing out at the inky night sky. Only a faint glow on the horizon indicated sunrise was still hours away. She had always been an early riser, even in her youth. As a child, she had eagerly awaited the first rays of sun, excited to see what each new day held.

The world slumbered on around her. But rather than feeling lonely in the darkness, Eva cherished the silence. No distractions or demands on her time yet - just her favorite mug warming her hands as she mentally planned the day's assortment of baked goods.

Leisurely getting ready in the dim apartment, Eva took her time choosing an outfit and combing back her hair. No need to rush - she had hours yet before customers would start arriving at Sweet Delights' door, but she had plenty to do before they got there.

Eva finished her coffee with one last long sip, embracing these predawn moments of stillness, then slipped on her shoes, grabbed her bags and keys, and headed out the apartment door just as the inky night sky began shifting to a deep purple-blue.

The morning air held a hint of the crispness that autumn would soon bring. Eva inhaled deeply, feeling reinvigorated after her indulgent bath and full night's rest.

The town was still fully asleep, only the earliest risers' lights glowing in windows here and there. The sidewalks lay empty except for Eva's lone figure. Even the birds had not yet begun their dawn songs.

In this meditative pre-morning hush, Eva walked unhurriedly, enjoying having the streets to herself. The day's clamor and busyness could wait a little longer.

Soon the cozy brick exterior of Sweet Delights came into view. Eva smiled, quickening her pace. Unlocking the front door to the still darkened bakery felt like coming home, sometimes more than coming home to Liz ever had. Maybe they'd rushed things in the beginning, or maybe they'd needed each other at one time. Whatever it was, Eva knew now that she'd stayed for too long in a relationship with someone who didn't value her. Being cheated on was a terrible way to find that out, but part of her was glad to know now.

Eva switched on the lights, the familiar space lighting up around her. She loved the bakery, but what she loved even more was making people happy with the delicious sweets and baked goods they created each day.

The kitchen was well-stocked and immaculate. She and Michael were both neat freaks and worked well together because of it.

Humming softly to herself, Eva began getting the ovens preheating and gathering the ingredients she'd need to make her special chocolate croissants.
