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“This was all put into motion months ago,” Trace said gently, holding her gaze with his. “Before you even arrived in this country. It wasn’t your decision, and it still isn’t. You’re not responsible.” His hand came up to cup her cheek briefly before he drew it away sharply as if he’d been burned. “But, Princess, you should know by now that just like your brother I will keep you safe, no matter what I have to do.” He started to say something more, but stopped himself with a shake of his head. Then his face hardened and he repeated, “No matter what I have to do.”

And though Trace didn’t say the words Mara longed to hear, she knew he wasn’t just talking about doing his job. Somehow that thought managed to allay her dismay over what she’d just learned. She still didn’t like it. But she understood. Just as she understood why Andre would go to any lengths to protect her, she understood why Trace would, too.

Chapter 11

Mara and Trace were riding together the last Saturday in November when she broached the question she’d been longing to ask. The air was crisp and cold now, and they were both bundled up warmly as they cantered across the snowy landscape. They pulled up when they reached a small rise that gave them an unhindered view of the Rockies; both horses snorted and stamped their hooves, their breath making white clouds in the frosty air.

“I love this view,” Mara said, smiling dreamily at Trace. “Every time I come here I think of home.”

“Still miss Zakhar?” His eyes were turned outward as he asked the question, scanning the horizon for any sign of a threat, but the landscape was deserted and there was no one to be seen for miles around.

“Not as much as I used to,” she answered honestly.

He focused his attention on her finally and asked, “And your brother?”

Mara’s smile faded, and she knew her heart was in her eyes. “Not when I am with you.” They stared at each other for several seconds, until Trace turned away with a muttered oath. “Andre is sending the plane for me after finals are over, so I will be able to return to Zakhar for Christmas break,” she said, apropos of nothing. She took a deep breath. “Will you go with me?”

“Princess...” She hated the regretful way he said that word, knowing a refusal was forthcoming.

“If you cannot, you cannot,” she said lightly, and only she knew what effort that lightness cost her—rejection from Trace was still something she found difficult to deal with. “I will only be gone two weeks after all. I would have liked to show you the place where I grew up, introduce you to Andre. But I understand.”

Trace guided his horse over so they were facing each other, knee to knee. He held the reins in an iron grip with his left hand, while his right reached out to cup her cheek. His thumb brushed gently over her lips, and regret cast a shadow over his beautiful blue eyes. “No,” he said softly, his voice husky with emotion. “You don’t understand. You can’t possibly understand. I would if I could, but...” He looked as if he were going to add something to that statement, but he tightened his lips to hold the words back.

“Then...” Mara took her courage in her hands once more. “If you will not go with me to Zakhar, will you take me to your cabin tomorrow?”

He couldn’t disguise the sudden flare of desire that slashed across his face. His right arm slid around her waist, pulling her into an embrace so fierce, so ardent, Mara caught her breath as passion exploded between them. His lips demanded a response, and she yielded gladly, hungry for his kisses...and anything else he would give her. It wasn’t until her slack hand on the reins allowed Suleiman his head and the horses drifted nervously apart that Trace let her go.

Her lips were swollen; her heart skittered wildly in her chest. She brought Suleiman under control and turned his head so she could reach Trace again. “Please,” she said, pride taking a back seat to love. “You cannot know how I have longed for this.”

“I do know,” he said, as he bent to take her lips again, and his kiss was rough, urgent. “Whatever you’re feeling, it’s only a fraction of what I feel,” he muttered. His tongue dove inside, luring hers, and he tasted of love and danger. “I could take you here, now, and I wouldn’t give a damn about snow or anything else,” he said between kisses that melted her insides and made her tremble. Then his kiss gentled. “But you deserve better than that, Princess. You deserve the best I can give you.” He lifted his head and stared down at her, pain she didn’t understand darkening his eyes. Then he seemed to reach a decision. “Yes, I’ll take you to the cabin tomorrow.”
