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Mulberry scanned the details before responding affirmatively. "Yes, it happened about twenty years ago--a young woman he had been involved with. Quite a violent situation, by the looks of it. There was a knife..."

Finn exchanged a glance with Amelia, a shared recognition of the potential significance of this information. "We need to talk to this Feldman," he said decisively. "See if he can account for his movements last night."

Amelia nodded in agreement. "And we need to find out more about his past. If he's reverted to old habits, we could be looking at a pattern here, he might go on the run and hurt someone else."

"Let's not jump to conclusions," Finn cautioned. "But this is a lead we can't ignore."

Finn's phoned buzzed in his pocket. He took it out and looked at it.

"It's Rob," Finn said to Amelia.

"He must want an update," Amelia said.

"Finn," Rob said.

"Hey man," Finn replied. He could sense something in Rob's tone. "Is everything okay?"

"Not really," Rob said. "I received a phone call from a neighbor saying that someone had tried to break into the cottage at Great Amwell."

Finn felt worry building up inside. "Was Demi there yet?"

"No, thankfully," Rob said. "And the intruder ran off, but from what the neighbor described, it sounds like a professional break-in. The man was picking the locks."

Finn sighed, worried. "Where's Demi, now?"

"She's heading to the city center where she'll be staying with one of my officer friends," Rob responded, a note of relief in his tone. "He owns a small apartment and Demi will be safe there. I know it's not ideal, but it's the best we can do for now."

Finn knew that Rob was right. "Well, at least she's safe now," he said. "I'll need to call her later and make sure she's doing okay."

Rob shook his head. "She's pretty upset and just wants to get some sleep," he said. "We both know someone must have seen us leave or had knowledge about our plans for the weekend. Either way, it seems Demi's fears of someone interfering in your and her lives are real."

Finn felt a chill run through him as he processed Rob's words. He could tell that the other man was just as worried and unsettled.

"We'll get to the bottom of this, I promise," Rob said, seemingly trying to reassure both himself and Finn. "I want you to stay vigilant, but I'll make sure Demi is safe."

"Thank you, Rob. I really appreciate you looking out for her," Finn said with true gratitude in his voice.

Rob was never one that was great taking compliments. He quickly changed the topic. "So who are we looking at for the three deaths at St Martins Castle?"

"There's one guy working with a construction crew who is a possible suspect," Finn replied. "But we still haven't found out who the third victim was. We're going to track down the construction worker right now."

"Great," Rob said. "Keep me posted."

"Will do, thanks Rob."

The call ended. Amelia looked concerned.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yes," Finn said, giving her a reassuring smile. "Everything's fine."

Finn avoided the question of Demi, deciding it was best to take their investigation back into the field. "Let's go and question Terrance Feldman," he declared firmly, "we can get a better read on the situation if we visit that construction business in person. I want to look this guy in the eyes when we ask him where he was during the murders."

Amelia and Finn left the office, while above the November skies were darkening moment by moment into early evening.


Finn gripped the wheel, the rain pouring down the windscreen like a biblical flood.
