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"Please, let me out!" he cried again, the screams still echoing through the station. But there was no response, and Finn's fear continued to grow, his heart pounding in his chest like a caged animal desperate for freedom.

"Mulberry!" Finn shouted, catching sight of Constable Mulberry through the glass viewing window of the cell door. The constable was dressed in his full police uniform, his posture stiff and authoritative.

"Open this damn door!" Finn demanded, his voice strained with urgency. But Mulberry seemed not to hear him – or didn't care – as he continued down the corridor, his polished boots echoing on the polished floor.

The screaming continued, and now Finn's tired mind knew who was in pain.

"Amelia," Finn whispered, realization dawning on him. The screams were coming from her, and it filled him with a sense of dread that gripped his chest like a vice. He banged on the door harder, desperation clawing at his throat. "Mulberry, come back! Let me out!"

Finn's mind raced, trying to piece together why he was locked up and Amelia was in danger. Was this punishment for stepping outside his jurisdiction? Was there a conspiracy against them? Had someone discovered their connection? Whatever the reason, he couldn't stand idly by while she was in peril.

"Damn you, Mulberry!" he yelled, slamming his fist against the door one more time. To his surprise, the door suddenly swung open, the lock disengaging without warning.

Not wasting a second, Finn stepped into the corridor, his ears straining to pinpoint the source of Amelia's cries amid the eerie atmosphere that had fallen over the station. The only thing driving him forward was the sound of her pain, each scream slicing through him like a blade.

"Where are you, Amelia?" he muttered under his breath, taking slow, measured steps down the hallway, his eyes scanning every inch for any sign of her. In his head, he tried to quell the rising panic, forcing himself to think logically about where she could be. His heart might have been racing, but his mind needed to stay sharp.

"Please, let me find her in time," he prayed silently, steeling himself for what might lie ahead as he continued his search, the echoes of Amelia's screams urging him on.

"Amelia!" Finn's voice was raw as he called out to her, his boots echoing on the cold tile floor of the corridor. The screams grew louder and more desperate with each step he took, cutting through him like icy shards.

As he neared the end cell, he slowed his pace, gripping the wall for support. Fear threatened to overcome him, but he couldn't afford to lose control now. Amelia needed him.

Through the small glass window of the cell door, Finn caught sight of a man in a black balaclava, the chilling image from the woods flashing in his mind. His heart sank as he saw Amelia, tears streaming down her face, held at gunpoint by the masked figure.

"Please," Finn choked out, his voice strained and desperate. "Don't do this."

The shooter's grip on the weapon tightened, his stance unwavering. Amelia's eyes met Finn's for a split second, a silent plea for help.

"Listen to me," Finn continued, his voice growing louder with every word. "Killing her won't get you what you want. There's another way."

For a brief moment, Finn thought the shooter might waver. But then a deafening shot rang out, and Finn instinctively shut his eyes, unable to bear witness to the horror unfolding before him.

The sound of the gunshot echoed through the corridor, followed by a terrible silence that swallowed up Amelia's screams. Finn's breath came in ragged gasps as he forced himself to look back through the glass.

"Please, no..." he whispered, his voice barely audible. The sight that met him was devastating: Amelia's lifeless body crumpled on the floor, a pool of blood spreading around her.

"God damn you," Finn cried, his hands shaking as he fumbled for his phone. It still said no reception.

Finn's heart shattered as he stared at Amelia's lifeless body, the air thick with grief and disbelief. He clenched his fists and released a guttural scream, tears streaming down his face. Suddenly, the shooter reached up and removed the balaclava, revealing a familiar face that sent shock waves through Finn's already broken heart.

"D... Demi?" Finn stuttered, his voice cracking. His former fiancee grinned wickedly at him, her once loving eyes now cold and filled with malice. The sight of her standing there, alive and armed, was more than Finn could bear. The grin on her face was almost too wide to be considered human.

"Surprised, Finn?" Demi taunted, her voice dripping with disdain. "Did you really think I'd let you get away so easily?"

Finn's mind raced, trying to make sense of this nightmare. "Why are you doing this?" he demanded, unable to hide the raw pain in his voice.

"Isn't it obvious?" Demi sneered, stepping closer to the cell door. "You ruined my life, Finn. Now it's time for me to ruin yours."

He braced himself for the impact, his mind desperately pleading for this all to end.

"Goodbye, Finn," Demi spat, and pulled the trigger.

Finn jolted awake, gasping for air. Sweat drenched his clothes, and his heart pounded in his chest. He blinked, struggling to adjust to his surroundings. It took him a moment to realize that he was still in the police station cell, and Amelia was standing over him, her green eyes filled with concern.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Amelia reassured him gently. "It was just a bad dream."

"Thank God," Finn breathed, his head collapsing into his hands. The relief was immense, but the lingering images from his nightmare still haunted him.
