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As the mansion came into full view, Finn couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine. The imposing structure stood like a dark sentinel against the night sky, its shadowy secrets hidden within. With a deep breath, he steeled himself for what lay ahead, knowing that this could be the turning point in their investigation – or their last stand.

"Let's do this," Finn murmured, bringing the car to a halt and killing the engine far from its gates. The three of them exchanged tense glances before stepping out into the chilly evening air, their resolve unwavering as they moved forward into the unknown.


The sun dipped low over the horizon, casting a golden glow on Brentford Mansion, its regal facade a stark contrast to the surrounding rugged cliffs and churning sea. Finn Wright couldn't help but marvel at the grand estate as he, Amelia Winters, and Mulberry stood before its walls. The mansion rose up like a sentinel against the Cornish coast, a testament to wealth and power.

"Quite a place, isn't it?" Amelia said, her green eyes reflecting the fading sunlight.

"Sure is," Finn agreed, his mind already working through the possibilities of what could be hidden within those walls. "But we've got a job to do."

"Right." Amelia turned to Mulberry, her expression serious. "I think Finn and I should do this alone. I need you to gather some trustworthy officers and come back here as soon as possible. We can't afford any leaks or missteps with this one."

"Understood, Inspector," Mulberry replied, nodding his head.

"Wait," Finn interjected. "Make sure Ulman isn't involved. I've got a feeling about him, and it's not good. We don't need any more corruption muddying the waters."

Mulberry gave Finn a knowing look. "I'll keep that in mind, Agent Wright. Finn. Don't worry."

As Mulberry drove off to gather reinforcements, Finn couldn't shake the nagging sensation that something was off with Inspector Ulman. He had caught subtle cues in the man's behavior that spoke of either deceit or simmering anger. But for now, focusing on the task at hand was crucial rather than figuring out which was which.

"Ready?" Amelia asked, her gaze locked on the imposing entrance of Brentford Mansion.

"Always," Finn replied, feeling a surge of adrenaline course through him. Together, they began to approach the mansion, each step bringing them closer to the secrets that lay within.

Finn eyed the massive stone wall that loomed before them. "Looks like we've got a bit of a challenge ahead, huh?"

"Speak for yourself," Amelia retorted playfully, adjusting her grip on the wall as she prepared to climb. "I bet I can make it over faster than you."

"Is that a challenge?" Finn grinned, immediately hoisting himself up with ease. His muscular arms propelled him upward, and he couldn't help but show off his athleticism.

"Show off," Amelia muttered under her breath as she struggled to find a good foothold. Her fingers slipped on the cold, slick stones, causing her to lose progress.

"Almost there," Finn teased, his feet planted firmly against the wall's surface. With one final push, he launched himself over the top, only to lose his balance and tumble to the ground on the other side. He groaned as he lay sprawled out in the damp grass, feeling more foolish than triumphant.

"Very graceful," Amelia's voice floated over the wall, tinged with amusement. She still hadn't managed to make it to the top while Finn was preoccupied with his fall. "Maybe I should give you a few pointers?"

"Ha ha, very funny," Finn grumbled, pushing himself up and dusting off his clothes. As he looked around, expecting to see Amelia scaling down the other side of the wall, he was surprised to find her already on the ground beside him, smirking.

"Did you teleport or something?" Finn asked, genuinely taken aback by her sudden appearance.

"Or something," Amelia replied, gesturing to a small gate tucked away in the shadows nearby. "While you were busy showing off your acrobatics, I found a much simpler way through. An old servant's gate."

"Of course you did," Finn said, rolling his eyes. He couldn't help but be impressed, though; for all his physical prowess, it was Amelia's keen mind that had once again found the most efficient solution.

"Come on," Amelia said, her tone shifting to one of determination. "There be monsters to find."

"Right behind you," Finn agreed, his own resolve strengthening as they moved deeper into the estate grounds. Despite their playful banter, he knew they made an excellent team. And together, they would uncover the truth hidden within Brentford Mansion.

The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the woodland floor as Finn and Amelia ventured deeper into the estate. The rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds filled the silence between them, creating an atmosphere both peaceful and eerie.

"Feels like we're walking into a fairy tale," Finn remarked, taking in the twisted branches and last wisps of dappled sunlight filtering through the trees. "You know, the kind where people get lost and never come back."

"Let's hope our story has a happier ending," Amelia responded with a faint smile, her eyes never leaving the path ahead. They were both aware of the seriousness of their mission, but Finn appreciated her ability to maintain a sense of humor under pressure.

As they continued through the woods, Finn couldn't help but feel a growing connection to Amelia. In their short time together, they'd developed a natural rapport that went beyond their professional relationship. But he knew he had to keep his focus on the task at hand – there would be plenty of time for exploring personal feelings once the case was solved.

His thoughts were interrupted when he noticed something unusual on the ground – a set of footprints leading off the main path. He stopped Amelia with a light touch on her arm. "Look at this," he said, pointing to the tracks. "Think it's worth following?"
