Page 13 of Let Her Forget

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Fiona felt frustration mounting as she studied the office, searching for some sign of a connection between Harry and Nadine. What could possibly link two seemingly unrelated victims?

"Was there anything unusual about Harry's behavior before he disappeared?" Jake asked Travis.

"Nothing that I can think of," Travis replied, shrugging. "He was just... Harry."

As Fiona inspected the maps on the corkboard, tracing her finger over the marked trails, Travis sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair as he glanced around the shop.

"I don't think I can keep this place going, not without Harry," he admitted, his voice heavy with grief. "He was the one who really loved all this – the outdoors, the camping gear. It was his passion. I might have to sell the place."

Fiona gave him a sympathetic look, understanding the difficult decision he faced. Meanwhile, Jake's eyes scanned the shelves lined with camping equipment.

"Travis," Jake said, his voice hesitant, "do you think it's possible that whoever killed Harry just happened to come across him while he was hiking in the woods? Maybe it was just a crime of opportunity, and he was in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Travis shook his head slowly, his eyes clouded with doubt. "I don't know, man. Harry knew these woods like the back of his hand. He had a lot of friends around here, too. It just doesn't add up. But I guess it’s possible.”

Fiona furrowed her brow, observing the neatly organized shelves of camping gear. "I don't think this was just a crime of opportunity," she said softly. The dust motes floating in the shafts of sunlight gave the store an eerie, abandoned quality, and she shivered slightly. "Both victims were in different locations, but their bodies showed similar signs of advanced decomposition," Fiona explained, her eyes narrowing as she pieced together fragments of information. "It's almost as if someone wanted us to find them like that... as if they wanted to send a message."

“Hard to accept this all could’ve happened for nothing,” Travis said. “I like to think my brother would’ve defended himself against a stranger, but clearly, someone got the jump on him.”

Fiona nodded, exchanging a look with Jake. It seemed they had all they could get from here.

As they turned to leave, Fiona suddenly stopped in her tracks. A memory flickered in her mind, an echo from their previous conversation with Nadine's mother. "Travis," she said, her voice urgent, "was Harry involved in any lawsuits?"

Travis looked taken aback, his eyebrows raising in surprise. "Uh, yeah, actually. Some guy tried to sue him for selling a pair of boots he claimed were defective. But it never went anywhere; the judge threw the case out."

"Who was the guy?" Fiona asked, her heart pounding in anticipation.

"His name was something kinda weird… Sid, I think? Yeah, Sid Jackson," Travis replied, a frown creasing his forehead. "Why? What does that have to do with anything?"

Fiona exchanged a significant glance with Jake, her pulse racing as the pieces began to click into place. Sid Jackson – the same man who had sued Nadine.

Fiona's mind raced at the mention of the name, her thoughts connecting like a jigsaw puzzle. The same Sid Jackson who had sued Nadine, a connection too significant to ignore. She glanced at Jake, noticing the same spark of realization in his eyes.

"Thanks, Travis," Jake said, offering him a sincere nod. "You've been very helpful."

As they left the shop and stepped out into the fading daylight, Fiona couldn't shake the shiver that ran down her spine. The weight of this new lead pressed heavily on her chest. She pulled her jacket tighter around herself, seeking comfort in its warmth as they walked away from Harry's shop.

"Jake, I can't believe it's the same guy," Fiona murmured, her breath visible in the chilly September air. "Do you think he could be involved somehow?"

"Could be a coincidence," Jake replied, his voice low and contemplative. "But I doubt it. We need to look into Sid Jackson, find out everything we can about him.”

Fiona's heart pounded in her chest as they strode away from the shop. The name Sid Jackson echoed in her mind like a haunting melody. She couldn't help but glance back at the darkened store, its windows reflecting the orange hues of the setting sun. Shadows danced across the pavement, intertwining with their footsteps.

As they walked, Fiona felt the weight of the case pressing down on her shoulders. It was a heavy burden to carry, one made heavier by the fact that two lives had been lost and their killer remained free. The air seemed colder now, a biting chill that nipped at her cheeks and cut through her jacket.

"Did you notice how sad Travis looked?" Fiona asked, her breath misting in front of her face. "It's heartbreaking, really."

Jake's eyes softened as he glanced over at her. "Yeah, it is. But we're going to do everything we can to make sure no one else has to go through that kind of pain."

She appreciated Jake's reassurance, but the gnawing unease in her gut told her there were darker secrets yet to be uncovered. Secrets that could change everything.


Fiona glanced out the window as Jake's car cruised through the streets of Portland as the darkness of night took over. The buildings blurred together in her peripheral vision, but her focus returned to her laptop screen, fingers tapping away at the keyboard. She was searching for any information she could find on their suspect, Sid Jackson.

"Here we go," Fiona mumbled, skimming through an online article. "Sid Jackson, entrepreneur, specializes in launching phone apps."

"Sounds like a real winner," Jake commented dryly, eyes locked on the road ahead.
