Page 16 of Let Her Forget

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Sid blinked, seemingly caught off guard by the mention of Harry's name. "That was years ago," he stammered, rubbing the back of his neck as if trying to jog his memory. "We had a disagreement, but I haven't seen or spoken to the guy since then."

"Both Harry and Nadine were murdered in the same area, with the same MO," Jake informed him, leaning in closer. "It's too convenient that two people you've been involved with legally end up dead in the same manner."

Sid's face flushed a deep red, a mixture of anger and fear flashing across his features. "So what?" he snapped, clenching his fists at his sides. "You're going to pin this on me just because I had legal disputes with them? That's absurd!"

Jake could feel himself nearing the edge of his patience as he watched Sid's defensive display. He needed answers, but the man seemed more interested in playing the victim than cooperating. And yet, there was still that nagging doubt in the back of his mind – what if Sid was telling the truth?

"Listen," Fiona interjected, her calm demeanor a stark contrast to the tension radiating from both Sid and Jake. "We're not accusing you of anything yet. We just need to understand your relationship with these victims and if there's any connection between their murders."

Sid stared at her for a moment, his eyes flicking between Fiona and Jake as he seemed to weigh his options. Finally, he let out a long exhale, the fight draining from his posture.

Sid's eyes darted around the room, his fear palpable as he clutched at the collar of his robe. "I swear, I didn't have anything to do with their deaths," he groveled, desperation lacing his words. "You have to believe me!"

Fiona and Jake exchanged a glance, neither one completely sold on Sid's sincerity, but they couldn't ignore the possibility that he was telling the truth.

"Look," Sid said, his tone shifting from pleading to threatening. "If you try to arrest me without any evidence, I'll sue you for harassment. I know my rights."

Jake clenched his jaw, feeling the hostility seep into the air like an invasive fog. He wanted nothing more than to slap cuffs on Sid right then and there, haul him down to the station, and make him talk. But he knew Fiona would be the voice of reason, urging him to slow down and think things through.

"Listen, Sid," Jake ground out, trying to keep his temper in check. "We're not here to harass you. We just need to get to the bottom of these murders. If you didn't do it, then help us understand why someone is targeting people you've had legal disputes with."

The air in Sid's apartment was thick with hostility, the tension between Jake and their suspect palpable.

"Everyone, let's just take a breath here," Fiona interjected, her voice calm but firm. She locked eyes with Sid, who seemed as if he were bracing himself for a blow. "Sid, we need you to stay calm and work with us. We're trying to piece together a timeline of events. Can you tell us where you were when Harry was reported missing two weeks ago, and when Nadine went missing just days before that?"

Sid's gaze darted between Fiona and Jake, then his expression shifted from defensive to almost triumphant. "I was in Cuba," he announced, his smug demeanor returning. "I left the US for a few weeks and didn't even get back until last week. My lawyer called me about Nadine, said she'd slipped and hit her head, but it was an accident."

"Prove it," Jake demanded, his voice hard as he stared Sid down.

"Fine," Sid huffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. He scrambled around the penthouse, yanking open drawers and rifling through their contents. After a moment, he produced a handful of plane tickets and hurled them at Jake. "There, happy now?"

Jake caught the tickets with an air of skepticism, scanning the dates and destinations. At first glance, they seemed to corroborate Sid's story. But that wasn't enough for him; he needed more concrete evidence.

"Show me the photos," he insisted, not taking his eyes off Sid.

"Ugh, you people are so annoying," Sid muttered under his breath as he pulled out his phone. He tapped on the screen for a few seconds before thrusting the device toward Jake, revealing a series of vacation photos – Sid lounging on a beach, Sid posing in front of colorful Cuban buildings, Sid sipping a mojito by the pool. The timestamps matched up with his supposed alibi.

"See? I was a thousand miles away when those two died. Now, can I please get back to my life?" Sid snapped, snatching his phone back from Jake.

"Alright, we believe you were in Cuba," Jake conceded reluctantly, his jaw clenched. "But why is it that two people you've sued end up dead? That seems like more than just a coincidence."

"Hey, don't look at me!" Sid said defensively. "I have no idea why they're dead, and I resent the implication. If you keep this up, I'll sue you too!"

"Is that all you do? Sue people?" Jake couldn't help but sneer, his patience wearing thin.

"Look, I don't know anything about their deaths, alright? Now, if you don't mind," Sid gestured toward the door, clearly eager to be rid of them.

"Fine," Jake said through gritted teeth. "But if we find anything that connects you to those murders, we'll be back."

"Good luck with that," Sid replied smugly as they left the apartment.


Fiona stepped out of Sid's apartment building, the crisp Portland air biting at her cheeks. She watched as Jake clenched his jaw, clearly frustrated with their lack of progress. They climbed into the car, and as they pulled away from the curb, Fiona couldn't help but feel defeated.

"Damn it," Jake muttered, gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

"Hey, we'll figure this out," Fiona reassured him, placing a gentle hand on his forearm. "Sid might not be our guy, but we'll find another lead."
