Page 17 of Let Her Forget

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Jake glanced at her, forcing a smile before turning his attention back to the road. Night was in full effect now. Portland bustled around them, unaware of the darkness lurking behind closed doors.

"Where do we go from here?" Jake asked, his voice tense.

"Let's regroup, and see what other connections we can make between Nadine and Harry," Fiona suggested, trying to sound hopeful. Her stomach growled, reminding her that she hadn't eaten in hours. "But first, maybe we should grab some food?"

As they drove, Fiona racked her brain for any new angles that could help move the case forward. She thought about the people they still needed to interview, the evidence they had collected so far, and the motives that might drive someone to kill. But with every new idea, her mind kept circling back to Sid Jackson, and the nagging feeling that they were overlooking something crucial.

"How about we head back to my place? We can grab some dinner and do more research."

Fiona hesitated for a moment but then nodded, trying to put on a smile. "Sure, that sounds good."

As they drove, Fiona couldn't shake the feeling that something was off with Jake. He seemed distant, his mind elsewhere. She wanted to ask him what was wrong and why he'd been acting different around her lately, but she didn't want to be pushy.

Why am I so bad at this? Fiona thought, picking at a loose thread on her jacket. Romance, relationships – they were all new territory for her. At twenty-six, almost twenty-seven, Jake was her first real relationship. She wished she had more experience navigating these uncharted waters.

They arrived at Jake's apartment building, and Fiona followed him inside, trying to ignore the nagging feeling in her gut. She took a deep breath and reminded herself that they were both under a lot of stress working on this case, and maybe that was all there was to it. Fiona had her own issues with Joslyn, and she was sure Jake had many things on his mind too. Things that had nothing to do with her.

Once they stepped into Jake's apartment, Fiona asked, "What do you feel like eating?"

"Pasta?" Jake suggested, already rummaging through his cabinets for ingredients.

"Sounds perfect," Fiona replied, taking a seat at couch in the living room and pulling out her laptop to continue their research.

As Jake began prepping dinner, Fiona found herself glancing up at him from time to time, watching the tension in his shoulders as he chopped vegetables. It was clear he had something on his mind. She could feel the energy.

The warm glow of night from outside bathed Jake's apartment in a cool light, casting long shadows across the open-concept space. Fiona couldn't help but admire the view from the couch, her gaze drifting to the floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a breathtaking panorama of Portland's skyline as it transformed deeper into night.

Fiona focused on her laptop with renewed determination. The weight of the case pressed down on her like a heavy fog, suffocating any thoughts unrelated to their investigation.

"Find anything?" Jake asked after a few minutes, his voice slightly muffled by the sizzle of onions hitting the hot pan.

"Nothing new," Fiona admitted, frustrated. Her fingers flew across the keyboard, desperately seeking a connection between Nadine and Harry that had eluded them thus far. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something she was missing, some crucial piece of information that would unlock the entire puzzle.

"Take a break, Red," Jake suggested, concern lacing his tone. "We've been at this for hours."

Fiona hesitated, then nodded and closed her laptop with a sigh. "Yeah, maybe you're right." She leaned back against the couch cushions, trying to shift her focus away from the case. The soft hum of the refrigerator and the aroma of garlic wafting from the kitchen offered a comforting background to her racing thoughts.

"Food will be ready soon," Jake said, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Hopefully, that'll help us recharge and think clearer."

"Thanks, Jake," Fiona replied, grateful for his unwavering support.

She couldn't help but wonder how many nights Jake had spent in this apartment with his ex, Lauren. The idea of them cuddling on the couch or laughing together in the kitchen sent a pang of jealousy through her chest.

Stop it, Fiona, she chastised herself internally, shaking her head. You're not that insecure girl.

Her gaze shifted back to Jake, who was now stirring the pasta sauce in a large pan. He appeared lost in thought, but when his phone buzzed on the counter, his attention snapped to it. Fiona watched as he picked it up and tried to make a call, only for his brows to furrow in frustration when it didn't go through.

"Damn it," Jake muttered under his breath, before typing out a text message. His movements were guarded, keeping the screen angled away from where Fiona sat on the couch.

"Everything okay?" she asked, trying to keep her tone casual and not betray the unease gnawing at her insides.

"Uh, yeah," Jake replied, glancing up briefly before returning his attention to the phone. "Just some personal stuff I need to take care of later."

Fiona nodded, swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat. She knew she had no reason to doubt Jake, but the combination of his secretive behavior and the lingering thoughts of Lauren left her feeling vulnerable.

Fiona's fingers tapped a restless rhythm on the armrest, her gaze drawn back to Jake. She struggled to reconcile the man she knew and cared for with the suspicion that threatened to fracture their bond. Her gut instincts had always been razor-sharp, guiding her through countless investigations. But this time, emotions blurred the lines between intuition and insecurity.

"Hey, dinner's almost ready," Jake announced, breaking Fiona out of her reverie. He placed his phone face down on the counter, the glow of its screen fading like a dying ember. "I just need to use the bathroom real quick."
