Page 18 of Let Her Forget

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"Sounds good," Fiona replied, offering him a smile that felt as fragile as glass.

As Jake disappeared down the hallway, Fiona's gaze lingered on his abandoned phone. She resisted the urge to check it, knowing that doing so would only confirm her transformation into the paranoid, jealous girlfriend she never wanted to become. Instead, she clenched her fists and focused on the sound of sizzling pasta, the aroma of garlic and tomatoes filling the air.

With each thud of her heart, she willed herself to believe that whatever was going on with Jake was something he would share when he was ready. They were partners, after all.

As the bathroom door clicked shut, Fiona exhaled, feeling the weight of her anxiety lift ever so slightly. She reminded herself that no relationship was without its challenges, and she and Jake were strong enough to overcome them. Together.

Fiona's heart raced as she heard Jake's phone buzz on the counter again, its vibration echoing through the sleek modern kitchen. The temptation to peek at the screen gnawed at her insides, but she steeled herself against it. She wouldn't become that person, the overly jealous partner who snooped and doubted every little thing. That wasn't who she was, or at least, it wasn't who she wanted to be.

She decided to focus on something else instead—Joslyn. Maybe there had been some progress with Daniel in jail.

Dialing the jail's number, her fingers tapped nervously on the glass surface of the coffee table. As the line connected, her voice wavered slightly. "This is Fiona Red. I'm calling for an update on inmate Daniel Grove. Has he spoken yet?"

The rustling of papers came through the receiver, followed by the guard's bored tone. "Hold on, let me check the records."

Fiona glanced back at the hallway where Jake had disappeared, her mind torn between concern for their relationship and the urgency of their current case. Her grip tightened around her phone, knuckles growing white.

"Ms. Red?" The guard's voice brought her back to the present. "So far, Daniel Grove hasn't said a word other than taunts.”

"Thank you," Fiona replied, the disappointment sinking in her chest like a stone. "Keep me updated if anything changes."

"Will do.” The line went dead, and Fiona stared at her phone for a moment, lost in thought.

"Everything alright?" Jake asked as he emerged from the bathroom, his eyes searching hers.

"Daniel still hasn't talked," Fiona admitted, trying to bury her insecurities beneath the gravity of their case. "I thought maybe he'd crack by now, but no luck."

"Damn," Jake sighed, running a hand through his hair. "We'll just have to keep pressing on with our investigation."

"Right," Fiona agreed, forcing a smile, though her eyes betrayed her lingering unease. As they sat down to eat together, she mentally prepared herself for another long night of research and hoped that in the process, she would also find answers to the questions swirling around her own heart.


The moon hung low in the sky, casting a dim silver glow across the dense woodland. In the shadows, a man lay concealed among the fallen leaves and underbrush, his breath slow and measured despite the growing chill in the September air. This was not his first time luring prey into these woods, but tonight, he knew he would need to exercise utmost caution.

He listened intently, the crunch of dead foliage beneath boots announcing the approach of his quarry. The beam of a flashlight cut through the darkness like a knife, illuminating the gnarled tree trunks. A police officer in full uniform stepped into the faint moonlight.

"Hello? Anyone out here?" called the officer, his voice echoing through the otherwise silent forest.

The man's heart pounded in his chest, but he remained motionless, a predator ready to strike. He had been the one to lure the cop here, feigning distress and claiming that he'd heard a child crying for help deep within the woods. It was an irresistible call to action for any law enforcement officer - a vulnerable life in imminent danger.

"Please, if you can hear me, make some noise!" the officer continued, sweeping his flashlight over the treacherous terrain.

Barely perceptible from within his hiding place, the man smirked. What an unwitting fool this policeman was. Oblivious to the true danger lurking just beyond the reach of his torchlight.

"Dammit," muttered the officer, frustration seeping into his voice. "Where are you, kid?"

In the darkness, the man considered his next move, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he mentally rehearsed his plan of attack. His fingers itched with anticipation, eager to enact his twisted form of justice on this unsuspecting officer.

You have no idea what's waiting for you, he thought, his eyes never leaving the wavering beam of light slicing through the night.

A surge of hatred coursed through the man's veins as he observed the officer from his concealed position. The cop, unaware of the vengeful eyes upon him, continued to navigate the dark woods, guided only by the beam of his flashlight.

"Come on, kid, answer me!" the officer shouted, his voice betraying a hint of concern.

The man scoffed internally at the performance. You don't fool me, he thought. He knew the truth about this so-called protector of the innocent. This cop was a murderer in disguise, hiding behind the badge that he shamelessly wore. The man's grip tightened around the large rock in his hand, his knuckles turning white with the intensity of his grasp.

"Kid, if you're out here, please make some noise! I'm here to help!" the officer cried out once more, his desperation growing.
