Page 2 of Let Her Forget

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As she walked through the prison corridors, Fiona's thoughts drifted back to the beach where Joslyn had been taken, the endless hours spent searching for answers, and the twisted man who held them - Daniel Grove. Her recent investigation had led her to this vile kidnapper and murderer responsible for so many young girls' disappearances. Fiona and her partner, Jake, had arrested him at his trailer only a week prior, but there was no trace of Joslyn. The FBI was still building a case against him, but for now, he remained here. Behind bars, where he belonged.

Remember why you're here, she thought, steeling herself for the confrontation. For Joslyn.

"Agent Red," she introduced herself to the prison guard at the entrance, her voice firm despite the internal turmoil. "I called ahead. I have an appointment to see Daniel Grove – alone."

"Of course, ma'am," the guard replied, checking his logbook. "You're expected. Please follow me."

As they navigated the sterile corridors, Fiona tried to shake the creeping tendrils of fear that threatened to take root.

"Here we are," the guard announced, stopping in front of a heavy door marked with the word "isolation." He unlocked it with a metallic clank and motioned for Fiona to enter.

"Thank you.” She forced a tight-lipped smile as she stepped into the room. The starkness of it hit her immediately – two chairs divided by an imposing sheet of plexiglass, a silent reminder of the barrier between her and the man who held the answers she sought.

The prison guard offered Fiona a reassuring nod, his hand resting on the door handle. "I'll be right outside if you need anything," he said.

"Thank you," Fiona replied, her voice betraying the anxiety churning in her gut. As the door clicked shut behind her, she took a deep breath to steady herself before approaching the plexiglass divider. The sterile isolation room seemed to close in around her, amplifying her unease.

As if on cue, the door on the other side of the room swung open, and Daniel Grove was led inside by another guard. Fiona's heart hammered in her chest as she took in the man she had come to despise. His stringy brown hair hung limply around his gaunt face, sunken cheeks casting dark shadows under his piercing, cruel eyes. The orange prison jumpsuit hung from his wiry frame, doing little to conceal the filth that clung to his skin.

"Have a seat, Mr. Grove," the guard on the other side instructed gruffly, pushing him into the chair across from Fiona. She clenched her fists, steadying herself for the confrontation that awaited.

"Hello again, Fiona," Daniel sneered, his eyes raking over her with a sinister glint. "Missed me?"

"Hardly," she quipped, her voice firmer than she felt. She focused on controlling her breathing, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging within her. "I'm here to talk about my sister, Joslyn."

"Ah, yes, dear Joslyn," he mused, feigning contemplation. "Now, why would I want to discuss her with you?"

"Because I won't stop until I find out what happened to her," Fiona replied, steeling herself against the fear that threatened to overtake her. She needed answers, and she refused to let him manipulate her any longer.

"Is that so?" Daniel leaned forward, a wicked smile spreading across his face as he stared into her eyes, daring her to back down.

Fiona met his gaze unwaveringly, her resolve hardening. "Yes, it is. And I won't rest until you tell me everything."

"Bold words, Ms. Red," Daniel taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "But actions speak louder than words, don't they?"

"Then watch me," she challenged, her heart pounding in her ears, drowning out all else. In that moment, all that mattered was finding the truth - for Joslyn, and for herself. "Tell me about Joslyn," Fiona demanded, her voice unwavering. She pushed the image of his filthy hair and sunken cheeks out of her mind, focusing instead on the intensity in his eyes.

Daniel leaned back in his chair with a sinister smirk, crossing his arms over his chest. "Joslyn, Joslyn... so many girls, you know? It's hard to keep track."

"Stop playing games, Daniel." Fiona's hands clenched into fists beneath the table, her fingernails digging into her palms. "I need to know if she's alive."

"Alive?" He chuckled cruelly, enjoying her desperation. "Now that's an interesting question, isn't it?"

Fiona's heart pounded in her chest, but she refused to let him see how much he was getting to her. “Is she alive?” Fiona asked again, her jaw tight.

"Alright, alright," Daniel conceded, feigning innocence. "If I remember correctly, Joslyn had the most beautiful eyes, just like yours. But then again, there were so many pretty faces..."

Fiona gritted her teeth, struggling to maintain her composure. She couldn't let him win. She needed information, not these twisted mind games. "You know who I'm talking about. Stop trying to distract me and tell me what happened to her!"

"Ah, but where's the fun in that?" Daniel's smile widened as he watched her frustration grow. "I much prefer watching you squirm."

"Damn you," Fiona muttered under her breath, her anger bubbling beneath the surface. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that reacting would only give him more power over her. She needed to stay focused, to find a way to make him talk. "Look, Daniel," she said, forcing a calm tone despite the storm brewing inside her. "I just want to know the truth about my sister. If you have any decency left in you, you'll tell me."

"Decency?" He scoffed, his laughter echoing through the room, chilling her to the bone. "You're barking up the wrong tree, sweetheart."

Fiona closed her eyes for a brief moment, willing herself not to lose control. She needed to stay strong – for Joslyn, and for herself. She had come too far to let him break her now. Fiona's gaze darted around the cold, gray room, desperate to find something to focus on besides Daniel's leering face. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides, knuckles turning white as she fought to resist the urge to lash out at him.

"Such a shame," Daniel drawled, his voice oozing with malice. "A pretty girl like you, wasting her time on a lost cause. But I guess that's what sisters do, huh? Even when there's nothing left to save."
