Page 31 of Let Her Forget

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"Is this some sick game to you?" he muttered, his voice tinged with bitterness.

His decision cemented, he started his car and peeled out of the parking lot, hot on the trail of Fiona's vehicle. He knew that patience would be key, but he couldn't help feeling a thrill as he pursued her through the city streets.


"Jake, could you turn up the heat?" Fiona asked, rubbing her arms in an attempt to ward off the chill that seemed to have settled deep within her bones. The late September afternoon outside was cool, but inside the car, it felt downright frigid.

"Of course," Jake replied, adjusting the temperature controls on the dashboard. "Is that better?"

"Much," she said with a grateful smile, feeling warmth finally begin to seep back into her extremities. She stared out the passenger window, watching the cityscape give way to the dense forest at the outskirts of town. They were headed to the spot where Matilda Black had been found dead three years ago, hoping to find some vital clue that would shed light on their current case.

Fiona stared out at the dense foliage that whipped past the car window, her fingers tapping an anxious rhythm on her thigh. The forest seemed to be closing in around them as they drove deeper into its heart, the shadows growing darker and more menacing.

"Hey," Jake said, breaking the silence. "You alright?"

"Y-yeah," Fiona stammered, forcing a shaky smile. "Just... I've been thinking about the details of Matilda's case, you know? I remember talking to her family after we'd concluded it was an accident. There was her brother -- Matt, or something like that. He didn't believe us when we told him it was an accident. It was hard to convince him."

"Maybe he had a reason not to believe it," Jake mused, his eyes scanning the road ahead. "He could be worth looking into."

"Maybe," Fiona agreed hesitantly. "But he was timid, almost meek. I don't see him as the type to suddenly start killing people. Though... the way the victims have been killed does seem somewhat cowardly. A sudden strike to the back of the head." She shook her head, conflicted. "I want to examine the scene of Matilda's death again before we jump to any conclusions."

"Fair enough," Jake said, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "We're almost there."

Jake pulled up to a desolate parking lot at the edge of the forest, the sun sinking lower in the sky and casting long shadows across the ground. Fiona stepped out of the car, hugging herself as she surveyed their surroundings, feeling a chill from both the air and her growing anxiety.

"According to my GPS," Jake said, tapping his phone screen, "it's going to be a bit of a hike before we get to the scene." He glanced at Fiona, concern etched on his face. "You still up for this?"

Fiona nodded, determination filling her as she looked into the woods. "I need to see it again, Jake. Maybe there's something I missed before.”

"Alright then. Let's get moving." Jake led the way, the two of them following the GPS coordinates deeper into the forest.

As they walked, Fiona couldn't help but notice Jake's uncharacteristic silence. His usual easygoing demeanor was replaced by a quiet tension that hung between them like the bare branches overhead. She thought back to the other day when she'd seen him texting in the kitchen, his brow furrowed, and wondered who he had been talking to.

They continued their trek through the woods, the sound of rustling leaves and their own footsteps accompanying their thoughts. The sun dipped lower, casting a golden glow over everything, but it did little to dispel the chill in Fiona's bones. As they drew closer to the scene where Matilda had met her end, she steeled herself for what they might find – and the revelations that could change everything.

The sun filtered through the trees, casting patterns on the ground as they continued their hike. Fiona glanced over at Jake, who was still absorbed in navigating the path with his phone. She couldn't help but feel an undercurrent of tension between them – one that she couldn't quite place.

"Jake?" Fiona asked, her voice hesitant. "Can I ask you something?"

He looked up from the GPS, meeting her gaze. "Of course. What's on your mind?"

She chewed her lip, considering her words. "I just... I can't help but feel like there's something else going on with you. Is there anything you're not telling me?"

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Fiona, it's really nothing. I'm just focused on the case, alright? Let's leave it at that for now."

Her stomach twisted with unease, but she nodded, deciding to trust him. "Alright, Jake. If you say so."

They continued onward, the silence occasionally broken by the distant chattering of birds or the rustling of leaves underfoot. As they neared their destination, the terrain grew steeper, and Fiona found herself growing increasingly nervous about what lay ahead.

"Looks like we need to climb this rock wall to get to the ravine," Jake said, surveying the obstacle before them. "You up for it?"

Fiona hesitated, eyeing the uneven surface with trepidation. "I'll give it a shot," she replied, trying to sound more confident than she felt.

"Here, let me help you." Jake offered his hand, steadying her as she tentatively began to ascend the rocks. His grip was firm and reassuring, giving her the courage to push forward despite her fears.

As they climbed, Fiona couldn't help but let her thoughts drift back to the case and the strange connection between the victims. The pieces were beginning to fall into place, but she knew that there was still more to uncover – secrets hidden within the shadows of the past.

With each step closer to the ravine, Fiona's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and dread, wondering what answers awaited them at the scene of Matilda's tragic end.
