Page 44 of Let Her Forget

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"Jake… Hey. I'm sorry it took me so long to call you back."

His grip tightened around the glass, knuckles whitening. "Have you been avoiding my calls?" Jake asked, the ice clinking against the glass as he swirled his bourbon, seeking a lifeline amid the whirlpool of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him.

"I… wasn't trying to avoid you," she replied, her voice laced with an icy detachment, a reminder that there was no love left between them. "It's just… the timing never seemed right."

"Really? You expect me to believe that?" He gripped the phone tighter, resenting the way her coldness seeped into his bones. "Bullshit. It's obvious you've been avoiding me."

A heavy silence hung between them, broken only by the distant wail of a siren and the soft hum of the refrigerator behind him. After a moment, Lauren exhaled, the sound almost like a sigh of defeat. "You're right. I'm sorry, Jake."

His chest tightened with a mixture of anger and relief, and he leaned against the kitchen counter, the cool granite grounding him as he struggled to regain control of his emotions. "Why, Lauren? Why would you avoid me after telling me something like that? You’re pregnant, it’s not exactly a small thing…”

"I… I don't know." Her voice quivered, vulnerable yet guarded. "It's just been so hard to think about, and I know you're with Fiona now. I didn't want to make things more difficult for you."

"Difficult?" Jake scoffed, barely able to contain the torrent of thoughts raging through his mind – concern for Fiona, anger towards Lauren, and a deep, gnawing fear of the future. "This isn't just about me, Lauren. This affects both our lives."

"Believe me, I know that." The weariness in her voice suggested battles fought within herself, unseen but no less significant. "But I also know that you love Fiona, and I know I can’t come between you two."

A sudden silence fell between them, the weight of their conversation pressing heavily on Jake's chest. The ice clinked against the glass as he took another sip of bourbon, the burn a welcome distraction from the whirlwind of thoughts tossing through his mind. He stared at the dancing shadows cast by the dim streetlights outside his window, searching for the courage to ask the question that had been gnawing at him.

"Lauren." His voice, raspy and hesitant, broke through the quiet like shattered glass. "Are you sure the baby is mine?"

The silence stretched out, suffocating in its intensity, as Jake held his breath in anticipation. Finally, Lauren's voice cracked over the phone, her words tumbling out like loose stones down a hillside. "There was… there was a guy. One time, during one of our breaks. I slept with him. It's possible the child could be his."

His heart plummeted, crashing into the pit of his stomach like a lead weight. The whole time they were partners, working or otherwise, he never slept with anyone but her. But she had been with another guy? The feeling of betrayal cut deep, leaving him grappling for air as though he'd been sucker-punched.

"You cheated on me?" he croaked, disbelief lacing his words.

"Jake, it wasn't cheating," Lauren defended herself, her tone icy and resolute. "We were on a break, remember?"

"Break or not, we both know that's bullshit," he growled. "Even when we were on breaks, we were still together. Inseparable, even. I was loyal…”

As the silence returned, Jake felt a wave of anger surge inside him, hot and powerful like molten lava. He fought to keep it contained, unwilling to let it consume him entirely. It wasn't just about his feelings; there was a potential child involved, and he needed to keep a level head.

Jake's jaw clenched as he stared out at the Portland skyline, the vibrant city lights a stark contrast to the darkness that was creeping into his heart. He took a deep breath, steadying himself, before asking the question that burned on his tongue.

"Lauren, were there any more guys?"

"No," she replied quickly, her voice heavy with regret. "Just the one. It was a mistake."

His chest tightened, but as Jake absorbed her words, he realized that finding blame in their fractured history wouldn't change anything. With Fiona by his side now, he had moved on – and it was time for him to let go of the past.

"Look, what's done is done," he said, his voice softening. "I can't change it, and neither can you. What matters now is the baby. Is it mine?"

"Jake, I don't know for sure," Lauren confessed, the vulnerability evident in her voice. "But I promise you, I'll do a paternity test when the time comes, and then we'll know."

He exhaled slowly, feeling the tension drain from his shoulders. Though uncertainty still loomed, Jake knew that this was the best way forward – for all of them.

"Alright," he agreed, his voice steady and resolute. "We'll deal with whatever comes our way, together or not.”

"Agreed," Lauren whispered, the relief in her voice palpable. “Take care, Jake. I’ll be in touch.”

As he hung up the phone, Jake stared out into the night once more, his thoughts turning to Fiona. With her, he had found happiness and solace, but the path ahead was uncertain.

He had to be prepared for whatever outcome awaited them.


Fiona stood outside Jake's apartment door the next morning, her hand hesitating in the air before she finally knocked. The sound echoed softly through the hallway, and she realized how early it was. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, feeling the blush creep up her cheeks as she heard footsteps approaching.
