Page 46 of Let Her Forget

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Fiona's heart clenched as she took in Jake's vulnerable expression. She could see the uncertainty and fear lurking in his eyes. Reaching out, she took his hand in hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Then you're not alone in this, Jake," she said firmly, her voice steady despite the emotions churning within her. "I'm here to support you, no matter what."

"Thank you," he whispered, his fingers tightening around hers. It was clear that her words meant the world to him.

As they sat there, holding hands in the silence of Jake's apartment, Fiona marveled at the resilience of their connection. They'd faced so many challenges together, from the horrors of their work to the painful memories of their pasts. And now, with the possibility of Jake becoming a father, they were still united – stronger than ever.

"Hey," she said softly, tilting her head to catch his gaze. "We've tackled much bigger things than this, haven't we? We can handle whatever life throws at us."

A slow smile spread across Jake's face, warming Fiona's heart. "You're right," he agreed, nodding resolutely. "We've been through hell and back, and we're still standing. Whatever happens, we'll figure it out."

For a moment, they simply looked into each other's eyes, drawing strength and solace from their shared understanding. Then, without needing any more words, they leaned in simultaneously, their lips meeting in a tender, comforting kiss – an affirmation of their unbreakable bond.

As they pulled away, Fiona felt a warmth settle over her, pushing aside the turmoil of the day. In that instant, she knew without a doubt that they could handle anything - as long as they were together. And with that certainty nestled firmly in her chest, she let herself sink deeper into Jake's embrace, grateful for the connection they'd forged and the moments of happiness they could find in each other's arms.


The cold, sterile air of the jail assaulted Fiona's senses as she stepped through the metal detector, surrendering her belongings to the guards. Her heart pounded in her chest as she clenched her fists at her sides, determined to find the answers she sought. The image of her sister, Joslyn, haunted her every waking moment - it had been ten years since she'd disappeared, whisked away by the monstrous Daniel Grove. Fighting back the bile that rose in her throat at the thought of him, Fiona steeled herself for the confrontation ahead.

"Ms. Red, right this way," a guard motioned, leading her down the long, echoing corridor lined with thick cell doors. She could feel the weight of the condemned eyes on her, following her every move, but she pushed forward, her resolve unwavering.

"Last time, you didn't break him," she reminded herself, her thoughts swirling like a tempest. "But I'll make him crack."

The door before her let out an ominous creak as it swung open, revealing the small room beyond. There, seated on the other side of a plexiglass divider, was the man who'd taken everything from her - Daniel Grove.

"Good luck, Ms. Red,” the guard murmured, closing the door behind her and leaving her alone with the monster. Fiona took a deep breath, each step towards the plexiglass feeling heavier than the last.

"Long time no see, Fi-Fi," Daniel sneered, his voice laced with malice as he glanced up at her from his handcuffed wrists. "Miss me?"

"Cut the crap, Daniel," Fiona snapped, refusing to let him get under her skin. She moved closer to the divider, staring daggers into his dark, soulless eyes. "I'm here for answers about Joslyn. And this time, you're going to talk."

"Am I?" he asked with a cruel smile, his eyes dancing with sadistic delight. "What makes you think this time will be any different?"

"Because I won't give up until you crack," Fiona thought fiercely, her face betraying none of her inner turmoil. "No matter how many times it takes, I'll find the truth about my sister. Tell me, Daniel. What did you do to Joslyn?" Fiona asked calmly, her voice steady despite the rage that threatened to consume her from within.

"Ah, sweet little Joslyn," he mused, his voice dripping with false affection. "Such a fighter she was, always trying to escape my grasp. It's almost a shame... but then again, who's to say she didn't succeed?" His grin widened at Fiona's barely concealed reaction.

Fiona focused on her breathing, determined not to let him see how much his words affected her. "Where is she? Is she alive?"

Daniel leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing as if contemplating whether to divulge any information. "You know, Fi-Fi, I've taken many girls over the years, each one special in her own way. And Joslyn... well, she was something else entirely."

"Where did you keep them?" Fiona demanded, unwilling to indulge his twisted reminiscing.

His laughter rang out in the small room, echoing off the walls and sending chills down Fiona's spine. "You really think I'd just tell you like that? Oh, Fi-Fi, you're so naïve."

“I will find out, Daniel,” Fiona said. “And your games won’t work on me anymore.”

"Never,” Daniel said, his voice suddenly serious. He regarded her intently as if deciding whether or not to reveal a secret. “You won’t make me crack, Fiona. You know, Joslyn loved the sunset so much… the sunset on the water. She was such a curious, special girl.”

"On the water?" Fiona repeated, her heart pounding in her chest as she processed this new piece of information. "So, she was by a lake? The ocean?”

"Maybe," he replied coyly, his lips curling into a sinister smile. "Or maybe not. That's all you get, Fi-Fi. Good luck finding your precious sister."

Fiona could feel her anger simmering just below the surface, but she refused to let it show. Daniel had given her a clue, however small and cryptic. It was something she could work with, something that might lead her to Joslyn.

“You will pay for what you’ve done,” she said.

"Bold words, Fi-Fi," he taunted. "But remember, I'm not the only monster out there." His laughter echoed in her ear.

Fiona stood in front of the plexiglass, her fists clenched at her sides. Daniel's coy smile still haunted her, but she couldn't let him win. She had to find Joslyn – no matter the cost.
