Page 47 of Let Her Forget

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"Mark my words, Daniel," Fiona said with icy resolve, "I will find her. And when I do, you'll rot in this place knowing that you failed."

"Good luck, Fi-Fi," he chuckled, his voice dripping with disdain. But behind the mockery, Fiona detected a hint of unease. He was guarded now, and she knew she had struck a chord.

With a final glare, Fiona turned and left the jail, her mind racing with possibilities. The damp air clung to her skin as she stepped outside, determination fueling her every step.


The late-day sun filtered through the dense canopy of trees above, casting dappled shadows over Fiona and Jake as they trudged through the damp forest. The earth squelched beneath their boots, the scent of decay and wet leaves filling the air.

"Are you sure about this, Fiona?" Jake asked, concern etched across his face. "I mean, Daniel's not exactly trustworthy."

She stopped, staring ahead at the trail that seemed to disappear into the green abyss. "I know," she replied, her voice steady. "But it's the only lead we have. I did some digging after our last visit, found a property under one of his aliases. A cabin by a lake."

"Sounds like a long shot," Jake remarked. "But I'm with you, whatever it takes."

"Thank you, Jake," Fiona said, her heart swelling with gratitude for her friend's unwavering support. "I can't shake the feeling that this is where Joslyn might have been. And if there's even the slightest chance we'll find something..."

"Then we have to try," Jake finished, nodding. "Lead the way."

As they continued their trek through the damp forest, Fiona couldn't help but replay her conversation with Daniel in her mind. His taunts gnawed at her, but she clung to that small glimmer of hope – the possibility that Joslyn might still be alive.

She took a deep breath, inhaling the earthy scent that surrounded them. This was it – the moment of truth. With renewed determination, Fiona pressed onward, the image of her sister's face etched into her memory, driving her forward. And as the trees began to thin, revealing the first glimpse of the cabin by the lake, she knew in her heart that they were one step closer to finding Joslyn.

The sun dipped low in the sky, casting a warm golden hue across the still waters of the lake. Fiona and Jake emerged from the damp forest, their footsteps squelching in the soft mud beneath them as they approached the cabin. The quiet serenity of the scene felt almost surreal, given the dark purpose that brought them there.

"Look at that sunset," Fiona murmured, her eyes fixed on the brilliant display of colors painting the horizon. "I wonder if this is what Joslyn saw – if this was the view she loved so much."

Jake followed her gaze, his expression a mixture of admiration and sadness. "It's beautiful, but we can't let it distract us from what we're here for."

"Right," Fiona agreed, snapping back to reality. Her heart raced with anticipation, knowing how close they were to potentially finding some answers. She took a deep breath, steadying herself for whatever lay ahead. "Let's do this."

As they approached the cabin's weathered door, Fiona's hand instinctively reached for the doorknob – only to hesitate, her thoughts suddenly clouded with doubt. What if they found nothing inside? Or worse, what if they stumbled upon something too terrible to bear?

"Are you ready?" Jake asked, his voice gentle yet firm, as if sensing her hesitation.

Fiona closed her eyes for a moment, taking another steadying breath. Then, with a nod, she said, "Yes." Her eyes met Jake's, their shared determination a silent bond between them.

"Alright," he replied, gripping the door handle. "On three. One... two..."

"Three!" Fiona exclaimed in unison with him, her voice filled with resolve.

Together, they pushed open the door, bracing themselves for whatever horrors awaited them inside. But as the dim light from the setting sun filtered through the open doorway, revealing the cabin's secrets, Fiona's heart caught in her throat. She couldn't have prepared for what she saw.

"Joslyn..." was all she could whisper, her voice trembling as the truth finally began to unfold.
