Page 6 of Let Her Forget

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The sun glinted off the windshield as Jake navigated the winding roads leading to the crime scene. Fiona sat in the passenger seat, her fingers tracing over the pages of the case files, nerves settled in her chest. The dense foliage outside seemed to close in on them, creating a sense of claustrophobia that was only amplified by the weight of the case at hand.

"Looks like we're almost there," Jake said, breaking the silence. His knuckles were white as he clutched the steering wheel, his jaw set with determination.

"Good," Fiona replied, trying to sound focused, but she couldn't shake the nagging thoughts about Joslyn and Daniel Grove. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. "I can't afford to be distracted right now."

"Hey, it's okay," Jake reassured her, reaching over to give her hand a gentle squeeze. "We'll find out what happened to your sister, but right now, let's focus on the task at hand."

Fiona nodded, grateful for his support. She turned her attention back to the case files, scanning the information again. One man, one woman—both found in this forest, their bodies ravaged by time and insects. As an entomologist, she knew that these tiny creatures could divulge secrets that would otherwise remain hidden.

"Okay," she said, taking a deep breath. "Nadine Howe was our first victim." Fiona tapped her finger on the file. "Twenty-four years old, an emergency responder from Portland. No boyfriend, but her parents live in the city."

"Right, and Harry Green is our most recent victim," Jake added, his eyes never leaving the road. "Forty-one years old, a shop owner. Big outdoorsman. No wife or kids, and his parents are out of state."

"Exactly." Fiona bit her lip, scanning the information once more. "I can't see any connection between them at first glance."

"Maybe there isn't one," Jake suggested. "Could be completely random."

"Or there's something we haven't found yet." Fiona's fingers drummed on the file, her mind racing with possibilities. Fiona stared at the autopsy report, her fingers tracing the edges of the pages.

The words "blunt force trauma" were circled in red ink, a stark contrast to the black-and-white photographs of Nadine's skull.

"Jake," she said, looking up from the file as they stood near the river where Nadine had been found. "The initial assumption was that Nadine fell and hit her head. But now, with Harry's death, it's clear it wasn't an accident."

"Yeah." Jake's voice was distant, his eyes scanning the area but not really seeing anything. He seemed lost in his own thoughts.

"Both victims suffered blunt force trauma, and their bodies were left for insects to feed on," Fiona continued, trying to engage him in conversation. "There must be a connection between them. Maybe even a motive for the killer."

"Maybe," he replied, still sounding distant. He rubbed the back of his neck, his brow furrowed in thought.

"Are you okay?" Fiona asked, unable to suppress her concern any longer. "You've been distracted ever since we left the office."

"I'm fine," Jake insisted, though his eyes betrayed a hint of unease. "Just... there's a lot on my mind. Let's focus on the case."

"Alright," Fiona agreed, though she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. She forced herself to redirect her attention to the case files, poring over the entomology reports and searching for any overlooked details. "Look at this," she said, pointing to a section of the report. "In both cases, the insects found on the bodies belonged to the same genus. That's not a coincidence."

"Interesting," Jake mused, his eyes finally locking onto the papers in Fiona's hand. "Do you think it's possible that the killer chose this location specifically because of the insect population?"

"Maybe," Fiona considered, her mind racing with possibilities. "If we can figure out why, it might lead us to the connection between the victims and help us identify the killer."

“Okay. We’re almost there.”

The towering trees of the forest loomed over them as Jake pulled the car off the road and onto a dirt path, littered with police cars, their dark silhouettes casting shadows that seemed to stretch out like fingers grasping for prey. Fiona felt a shiver run down her spine, the eerie atmosphere intensifying her unease about Jake's distant behavior.

As they exited the car, Fiona tried to focus on the task at hand, but her thoughts kept drifting back to Jake's uncharacteristic aloofness. She knew that she was inexperienced when it came to relationships, and reading social cues had never been her strong suit. It made her feel like the old Fiona – the one who struggled with interpersonal connections and often found herself adrift in her own world.

They ducked under the police tape and ventured deeper into the forest, the crunch of leaves and twigs underfoot punctuating the otherwise silent air.


Jake took a breath, ready to face whatever horrors awaited him in these woods. The morning sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor as he and Fiona entered the forest. The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves.

"Agent Tucker, Ms. Red," Officer Daniels greeted them, his face drawn with the gravity of the situation. "Thanks for coming out so quickly. We'll take you straight to where Harry Green's body was found."

"Lead the way, Officer," Jake replied, his voice steady despite the anxiety gnawing at him. He focused on the crunch of leaves beneath their feet as they moved deeper into the woods, trying to keep his thoughts from drifting to the gruesome sight that awaited them.

Fiona walked silently beside him, her normally animated expression subdued. As an entomologist, she had seen her fair share of death, but something about this case seemed to have struck a chord with her. Jake wished he could offer her some comfort, but he knew that sometimes silence was the best support one could provide. She was going through a lot with the news about her sister… and he certainly didn’t want to add any more to her plate.
