Page 7 of Let Her Forget

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"Are you both ready for what you're about to see?" Officer Daniels asked, pausing before they reached the clearing where the body had been discovered. His eyes were filled with concern, as if he could sense their unease.

"You know we’re no amateurs, Daniels," Jake reassured him, though he couldn't help but feel a twinge of doubt himself. "We'll be fine."

"Alright then, follow me." He led them the rest of the way, and as they entered the clearing, Jake steeled himself for the sight before him.

"Jesus," he muttered under his breath, his stomach churning as he took in the gruesome display. Harry Green's lifeless body was tangled amidst the twisted branches of a large oak tree, his limbs contorted in unnatural angles, a testament to the violence of his death.

Fiona's eyes widened as she surveyed the scene, her usual composure momentarily slipping before she regained control. Insects buzzed and crawled over Harry Green's corpse, their tiny bodies feasting on the decaying flesh. Jake couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine as he studied the grotesque tableau before him. It was evident that it had been here for quite some time; the decomposition was advanced, and the smell of rot hung heavy in the air.

"Look at the maggots," Fiona said, her voice steady despite the macabre scene. She pointed to the writhing mass near the gaping wound on the victim's head. "There are different stages of development. This could help us determine how long he's been here."

"Right," Jake mumbled, swallowing hard to keep his lunch down. He could see the similarities between this crime scene and Nadine's. Both victims were found deep within the woods, and both had suffered brutal deaths. But there was something about the way Harry's body was positioned that bothered him even more than the gruesome state it was in. His instincts were telling him there was more to this case than met the eye.

"See how his limbs are twisted like that?" Fiona continued, her eyes never leaving the body. "It doesn't seem accidental. And look at these marks on the bark. There was a struggle here." Her gaze shifted back to Jake. "You remember the photos from Nadine's case, right? These two scenes feel connected."

"Definitely," Jake agreed, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of the puzzle before them. He knew they were dealing with something far more sinister than a mere accident. "But why target these two? What connects them?"

Fiona shook her head, her expression somber. "I don't know yet, but I'm sure there's a link.”

Jake stepped back, giving Fiona the space she needed to examine Harry's body up close. The forensics team cleared a path for her, understanding the importance of her work in solving this case. Jake watched from a distance, noting how Fiona moved with grace and empathy as she navigated the crime scene. Her knowledge of entomology was unparalleled, making her an invaluable asset to the FBI.

"Interesting," Fiona mused, gesturing for a forensics tech to join her. "The insect activity is consistent with Nadine's case. I believe they'll be key in determining the timeline here."

One of the other forensic techs nodded, scribbling down notes as Fiona spoke. "I've never seen anything like this," he admitted, curiosity piquing his interest despite the gruesome nature of their work.

“Were the victims not reported missing two or so weeks ago?” Fiona wondered aloud.

“Yeah,” Jake said. He didn’t have Fiona’s expertise, but he could see this body seemed to be more decomposed than a usual body would at two weeks. “I trust you to figure this out, Red.”

Fiona nodded. “I’m on it.”

As Fiona continued her observations, working alongside the police forensics team, Jake found it increasingly difficult to stay focused on the task at hand. His mind drifted back to the conversation he'd had with Fiona earlier that day. She had asked if something was bothering him, and he'd brushed her off, saying it was nothing.

But it wasn't nothing. A stab of guilt twisted in his gut as he recalled the events that had transpired just days before. His ex-girlfriend and former partner, Lauren, had shown up at his apartment unannounced – and visibly pregnant. He couldn't shake the image from his mind, no matter how hard he tried. Was the child his? He still didn’t know for sure.

Focus, Jake, he admonished himself, forcing his attention back to the investigation. This isn't the time or place to deal with personal matters. Deep down, however, he knew he couldn't keep the truth from Fiona forever. They were partners, after all, and she deserved to know what was going on. But for now, they had a job to do – and two victims who needed justice.

He approached the officer who had led them into the woods earlier, his eyes scanning the area for any potential leads.

"Excuse me, Officer," Jake said, his voice steady despite his internal turmoil. "Is the witness who found the body still around?"

"Ah, yes, she's right over there," Daniels replied, pointing to an older woman standing nearby, flanked by two uniformed officers. She looked pale and shaken, her hands clasped in front of her as if seeking solace in her own embrace.

"Thank you," Jake nodded, walking over to the woman, his steps measured. She was an older woman with her gray hair tied back in a ponytail and a plaid jacket on. "Ma'am," he began gently, extending his hand. "I'm Agent Jake Tucker with the FBI. I'd like to ask you a few questions about what you saw today."

"Of course," she replied, her voice quivering slightly as she shook his hand. "I'm Jessica Fitzpatrick."

As they spoke, Jake focused on the details of her appearance, taking in the lines that marked her face, the slight tremble in her fingers. It was clear that this ordeal had shaken her deeply, and he wanted to ensure she felt safe and supported throughout the interview process.

"Can you walk me through what happened?" he asked, his tone gentle.

Jessica hesitated for a moment, her gaze drifting towards the crime scene before returning to meet his eyes. Her breathing was shallow, and Jake could see the struggle within her as she tried to recount the traumatic events.

The forest seemed to close in around them, the shadows cast by the trees creating a somber atmosphere. Jake studied Jessica's face, noting the lines of worry etched across her forehead and the slight quiver of her lips. He could tell that recounting the events was taking its toll on her, but he needed to know everything she saw.

"Ms. Fitzpatrick," he said gently, "please take your time recalling the events, but it’s important for me to get a clear picture of what happened."

Jessica took a deep breath, her eyes flicking to the ground as if searching for strength there. "I... I was out walking my dog, Brutus. He's a big ol' German shepherd, loves these woods." She swallowed hard, her voice trembling. "He started hollering and pulling me through the trees, like he'd caught a scent or something."
