Page 18 of Rancher Daddies

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His Daddy is panting as he presses close, hard cock between Craig’s cheeks, his presence overwhelming, dragging Craig’s attention back to where it belongs: Daddy’s pleasure and need.

“You’re alright,” Sam says, pulling Craig’s head back so it’s on his shoulder, just a press on Craig’s forehead, and he obeys, gaze trained on the ceiling, his Daddy an inferno behind him. He can feel the beat of his Daddy’s heart against his back.

Sam’s hand encircles Craig’s neck, gentle but demanding. “Breathe. Relax. It’s done. We’re fine. You’re going to obey me now, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“That’s right.Daddy.”

His Daddy puts a hand on Craig’s abdomen and presses gently. “I know it’s difficult. You’ve waited so long already. And here I am, with a sweet and generous boy who wants his Daddy’s cock, who’s been so very good, and all you’re getting is bonding hormones and hard fingers. Don’t you need my great big cock, baby?”

“I can wait a little longer,” Craig offers. It hurts to offer.

“You’re perfect. I love this. Can we play a little longer? Can you stand it?”

“I can… I can do anything you want me to,” he makes himself say, but his voice is trembling, and there’s a sob in his throat that needs to come out.

“Fuck. Oh, honey. You’re going to be so sweet for me. You’re going to ruin me, aren’t you? Pretty fucking boy. Now then,” he says, voice rasping. “Think about inside, where I’ll be. Focus on your breathing and relaxing. Focus on accepting,” he continues, rubbing small circles over Craig’s abdomen. “It’s just a little longer. I know. You’re hot in your hole, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“You’re clenching up, honey. I can feel it against my hand. And when I get inside you, you’re gonna be tight and feel so good. Don’t we know that?”

“Yes, Daddy,” he whispers.

“That’s right, good boy. And you’re going to be accepting and generous, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Daddy.” Craig’s voice is almost soundless. He desperately wants to be what his Daddy needs.

“I’ve never wanted to claim anyone like I want to claim you. You need it, and so do I. We’re in this together. Understand? Everything is about me and what I need from you. I’m taking my time, I’m giving you what you need so you can call me Daddy. And you’re going to give me so much pleasure and relief, Craig. All that release is going to go inside you. Where is it going to go?”

Sam takes Craig’s hand and places it on Craig’s lower stomach, his own hand over the top so they’re both touching him.

“It’s a lot, Craig. This is your first time. Now, answer Daddy’s question. Where is all that release going to go?”

“In… in me, Daddy. In my… I’ll feel you in my stomach.”

“That’s right. You’re gonna be so sore and aching inside. You’re going to keep that release safe inside you, and we’ll feel it, won’t we? Right here,” Sam says, pressing firmly. “You’re going to keep it. I’m going to plug you up and keep you full if I can. It’s going to be a struggle. Something else for you to manage and think about. That thing between your legs is irrelevant; it doesn’t belong to you. You don’t touch it. If you need to touch something, then you touch your stomach, you play with Daddy’s cock, or you come to me for kisses. You ask sweetly for Daddy to knot you. That’s what you get.”

“Daddy,” he begs.

“I know, baby. Your hole is all flushed and pretty. Glistening. And I know you’re hurting for it, aren’t you?” Sam brushes his cock against Craig’s hole, more wetness against that hot empty place, as he stokes Craig’s neediness higher. The question is a little mean and smug, and Craig can’t answer. He’s suddenly aware that he hasn’t just been given a random soldier, but someone who’s got a hell of a lot of dominance and sexual aggression built in, a predator in his own right.

His Daddy wants Craig to be desperate and hurting for him.

There’s a point where lust becomes hurt, need feels like pain, and he doesn’t know why it hadn’t occurred to him that maybe that’s where Sam would want him, how desperate this man might make Craig as a way to enhance and guarantee his own pleasure.

And that’s fine, that’s great, in fact! That’s the video that made him cry and rage. So he does want to be that for his Daddy. That’s what a Daddy does—stays in control while his submissive partner falls apart. If it’s real, then it’s everything he’s ever wanted. A Dominant with so much control that he could shove Craig’s own urges to the very edge, but he’d given up hoping for it.

They’d told him no, told him not to be demanding. He’d likely get a feral Dominant with no control, and he should be happy with that.

Be a pump and dump.

But that isn’t what he’s getting. That isn’t who this Dominant is. He really is a Daddy. He’s going to use Craig, keep him in a state of want and desperation where Craig has to be the one who gets taken care of instead of the other way around, and it makes him wonder again if it’s a trick.

If he doesn’t get given this cock, and doesn’t get satisfaction after being put into this state, then he won’t be responsible for his actions. He can only be pushed so far, only endure so much.

“If you’re not going to do this, then just kill me,” Craig says because that’s where he is.
