Page 19 of Rancher Daddies

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His Dominant goes still behind him. “This isn’t a trick, Craig. I’dneverdo that to someone. I promise you that isn’t allowed anymore. This is happening. This is what you wanted, isn’t it? You called me Daddy. That’s what I’m going to give you, sweetheart. You’re going to fall apart on my cock. Daddy will take care of you.”

Craig’s hole clenches and tries to relax, twitches, and his Dominant pauses to watch then presses gently at Craig’s ring with his cock to see if it gives. “Fuck. You’re going to be really goddamned tight. Just a little bit longer, sweetheart.”

He gets a kiss on his shoulder, his Daddy breathing in the scent of Craig’s skin, and then Sam presses his hips forward, cock finally slipping between Craig’s cheeks and nudging solidly at his hole.

“You’re trembling. Poor boy. You need it so badly, don’t you?”

Craig grabs at the wall, positive he’s about to get fucked in one hard thrust, but his Dominant doesn’t move, is controlling himself. It’s difficult, though. Craig knows it’s difficult for him because Sam is hauling in breaths unevenly, shaking behind him.

Craig tilts his head back and kisses his Daddy’s jaw, all of him focused on waiting for his Daddy to decide when he gets it, even though his hole burns and he’s never felt so empty and alone.

“Please?” Craig pleads a moment later because he can’t stand it.

“How pretty you are when you beg,” he says, his voice a low rumble of sound that Craig can feel inside him. His Daddy’s cock stops kissing his hole, then there’s more stroking as Sam works up more release and paints another hot dribble of it onto Craig’s hungry hole.

Craig hits the wall with his hand, needing a distraction from the empty burn of need that his Dominant is stoking inside him. He’s never felt anything comparable; even when they gave him the stimulants and had him shaking with arousal, it wasn’t like this.

“Daddy, it’s too much!” he cries. This is the way to Craig’s heart and mind. The code to crack him open and gain his loyalty and surrender. Thank god his handlers never treated him like this. They weren’t smart enough.

He could endure what they did to him before—making him hard and leaving him wanting, showing him videos and making him promises—and those things were a struggle at the moment. They were effective to make him compliant.

But it wasn’t real. A real Dominant with real needs. Reality is everything.

The burn of need, the heavy ache in his hole, the knowledge that his Dominant is doing this so it’s better for Sam.

This is everything Craig’s ever wanted. They never made him feel like a submissive. Didn’t let him feel a submissive’s desperation. He knew he was submissive. He knew he registered as a masochist, but he hadn’t quite figured out what that meant.

Certain things appealed to him, he had curiosity, but it turns out that every time he scored as a masochist, it meant this: the total subordination of himself to his Dominant’s desires. A willingness to ache and want if it brought pleasure to the man he’d get to call Daddy.

This is the type of mating that Craig always fantasized about more than any other, and it’s devastating.

A boy eager and attuned to his Daddy. Only his Daddy can help him.

“Whatever you want, Daddy. Make me just like you want me,” he says, even though it feels like he’s gaping, he’s so swollen with the need to be fucked.

“There you go. Listen to how soft you sound now. I think we got you there. Poor wanting little thing. You are ready for it, aren’t you? Show Daddy that wanting hole. Let’s make sure.”

Craig whimpers and pulls his cheeks open, hole puckering and twitching.

“Beautiful,” Sam says and touches Craig’s rim with his finger carefully.

He cries out and shifts in place, and his Daddy chuckles in pleasure and puts his hands over Craig’s, holding him open as he watches Craig’s hole spasm.

“Pretty hole looks wrecked already, babydoll. Swollen. Daddy is going to use you for days. And you’re going to want it so fucking bad, aren’t you?” There’s a huff of air on Craig’s shoulder, then his Dominant takes his heavy cock in hand and finally lines up. “What a good boy. Keep those hands parting your cheeks so I can watch you eat me up.”

Pressure and then a burning sensation as his Daddy eases inside. Craig’s legs fold and he collapses against the wall, held up by a hand around his waist, the other in his hair, keeping his head back and neck exposed so he can be bitten when his Dominant decides it’s time.

“Good boy. Hands stay on your ass. I’ve got you. Surrender and trust your Daddy now,” he says through gritted teeth.

“Please, please,” Craig begs, the angle making him want to cough. Sam shoves into him, the head popping inside and lodging tight. It’s rough and quick, different and yet exactly what he’d expected it to be. Craig’s uncoordinated now and receptive feelings of calm are flooding through him, telling him not to move or fight, but to wait and give in.

To accept.

Submission has never washed over him like this before. It’s hot and syrupy. Heavy. It’s over his skin and glittering in his veins. He doesn’t ever want it to end.

“There you go,” his Dominant growls in his ear.

His Daddy’s cock twitches inside Craig, a throb of heat as release spills out of his Dominant and wets Craig down inside. During their cycle, his Daddy will pump him full of so much release that they won’t need lubricant. That’s how much his Daddy wants him. Sam’s mouth locks on to Craig’s neck, sucking a mark into his skin and then biting down as he rests more of his weight on Craig.
